So Beautiful When He Sleeps

Nov 29, 2018 20:15

Art Title: So Beautiful When He Sleeps
Prompt Number: S2020
Artist: dizzojay

Fic Title: So Beautiful When He Sleeps
Author: malmuses
Fandom/Genre: SPN
Pairing(s): Dean / Castiel
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 6,500
Warnings: None
Summary: Cas was bound to watch over Dean.  As much as Dean scoffed over their profound bond, it meant something to the angel.  So Cas guarded Dean's dreams as often as he could.

Art Links:   LJ
Fic Links:   AO3

word count: 6000 - 8000, pairing: dean/castiel, rating: pg13, genre: spn, challenge: 2018

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