(no subject)

Nov 17, 2018 13:57

Art Title: The Lion and the Wolf
Prompt Number: E3004

Fic Title: The Lion and the Wolf
Fandom/Genre: RPS, Fantasy AU
Pairing(s):  Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 15,000+
Warnings: ABO dynamics, arranged marriage
Summary:  “Wave at your people, Husband,” the King said softly in his ear.  “They will worship you if you treat them right.  They will curse you if you abuse them.   I prefer to keep them happy,” he said as he raised a hand and waved to the people.
Jared looked at his new husband for a moment before he caught his sister’s eye.  She had followed behind and was standing a step behind and to the left of the King.  She looked more pleased than he liked, but he turned back to the people and waved as his husband asked.
Art Link(s): LJ | AO3
Fic Link: LJ | AO3

word count: 15000 - 20000, pairing: jared/jensen, medium: digital miscellaneous, genre: rpf, challenge: 2018, rating: nc17

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