It's almost time! Next week the first RB teams are presenting their art & fics, so here are our posting guidelines.
We leave it up to each artist/author team to decide amongst themselves who will post to
spn_reversebang, but we will not approve any submissions that do not have links for BOTH art and fic. When it is your posting date, please use the following format:
Art Title: ART TITLE
Prompt Number: Artist:
Fic Title: FIC TITLE
Fandom/Genre: SPN/RPS, Horror, Romance, etc
Word Count:
Art Link(s): LJ | tumblr (include all that apply)
Fic Link(s): LJ | AO3 (include all that apply)
Keep Author/Artist notes, disclaimers, and other extra things to the actual fic/art posts. This will help prevent master posts to this community from getting too lengthy or cluttered.
Banners are allowed (encouraged!) so long as they are work-safe and no larger than 500px in width and 400px in height.
You must include relevant tags with your masterpost including: challenge: 2017, genre, medium, pairing, rating, and word count. In the event that more than one pairing tag could apply or there are multiple types of art, then include all that are relevant. If there isn't an appropriate tag for your story, feel free to request one in the comments. Also, post the entire work at once, do not post it piecemeal, like a serial.
Be sure to communicate with your partner before posting! (You should be talking to each other anyway, yes? If you haven't touched base in several weeks, please do so!) Talk with each other who's going to do the comm masterpost and what it should say, how any additional art should be displayed, the tags it will use, and a suitable time when you can post together. If neither of you can post on LJ, contact the mods as soon as possible before your postingdate:
After your masterpost goes live on our LJ, you are free to pimp it all over the internet. (You can post the fic and art on your various sites to get the URLs, as long as you post your Masterpost here at the comm IMMEDIATELY thereafter, cool?) Dreamwidth users are welcome to repost their Masterpost in our DW:)!
There will be an AO3-collection for 2018 - we'll post the link as soon as it's ready. If you want to add your works there, you will be able to do so by typing 2018_spn_reversebang into the collections field at AO3 when you edit or upload a work. As always, past collections are still open:)
If you have any questions, please ask below. Good luck, and Happy ReverseBang!
The mods
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