The SPN_ReverseBang Posting Schedule 2018!

Oct 01, 2018 11:10

Hello teams!
You should be in touch with your partner by now! If you haven't been able to reach them, email us at asap, so we can sort things out. There is no judgement; we simply need to know what's going on in order to move along. If you receive an email from us, please reply as soon as possible!

IMPORTANT: Please use YOUR ART CLAIM NUMBER in all your correspondences with us!

REMINDER FOR AUTHORS: you must email us a rough draft of the story on or before Sunday October 28. Drafts should be at least 2,500 words long. (The minimum FINAL word count is 3,000 words.) Also make sure your artist has a copy, should they want it to create additional art, or to squee over it with you. :)

We kindly request everyone stick to their assigned dates, as we made an effort to give people with two claims as much time as possible in between them. Comment to this post with any questions, or email us if you prefer.
You are allowed to try to swap dates with another couple directly, but please tell us if you made a switch, so that we can adjust the schedule. Contact your partner before requesting a date change, to make sure you're both on the same page. Thanks, y'all!

Monday November 5
S2024 smudgythoughts & malmuses
R1004 dizzojay & lyryk
S2028 be_my_precious & sepherim_ml

Tuesday November 6
R1002 emmatheslayer & fogsrollingin
S2012 aceriee & eatdirt69

Wednesday November 7
S2033 sastmk & ellerkay
E3000 amberdreams & smalltrolven

Thursday November 8
S2006 marietwist & alyndra
E3002 blondebitz & amypond45
R1007 emmatheslayer& raths_kitten

Friday November 9
R1005 beelikej & sasha_dragon
S2013 darklittleheart & tammyrenh

Monday November 12
S2031 jayleigh905 & wincest_whore
S2001 milly_gal & jasmineisland
S2015 brightly_lit & verucasalt123

Tuesday November 13
S2035 illusion-of-sea-axes & malmuses
S2030 illiminal & septembers_coda

Wednesday November 14
S2008 noxsoulmate & zara_zee
S2022 dmsilvisar & borgmama1of5

Thursday November 15
R1012 dancing_adrift & soy_em
S2023 glovered & hells_half_acre
S2021 regasssa & daydreamdestiel

Friday November 16
S2016 sillie82 & gigis89
E3004 tx_devilorangel & hunters_retreat

Monday November 19
E3006 phoenix1966 & jessie_cristo73
S2002 red_b_rackham & backrose_17*

Tuesday November 20
R1003 dragynville & storyspinner70
S2025 twisted_slinky & juliasets
E3005 dollarformyname & whispered_story

Wednesday November 21
S2018 thefriendlypigeon & malmuses
R1010 xlittleangx & padackles31719

Thursday November 22
E3001 blondebitz & morganadw
S2005 stargazingchola & loveinghybrid*

Friday November 23
R1009 beelikej & backrose_17*
S2032 thefriendlypigeon & angelus2hot

Monday November 26
S2019 sastmk & alyndra
R1001 evian_fork & fogsrollingin*
S2011 be_my_precious & sepherim_ml

Tuesday November 27
S2004 2blueshoes & ellerkay
S2026 delicious-irony & raths_kitten
S2017 aceriee & hit_the_books

Wednesday November 28
E3003 amberdreams & laughablelament
E3008 phoenix1966 & homo_pink*

Thursday November 29
S2020 dizzojay & malmuses
S2027 brightly_lit & veryimportdemon

Friday November 30
S2034 jayi & interstitial
R1000 marietwist & cleflink

Monday December 3
S2009 noxsoulmate & theymp
S2007 jdl71 & rocketmojo
E3009 cassiopeia7 & ellerkay

Tuesday December 4
R1006 jayleigh905 & lesbowinchester
S2000 milly_gal & firesign10

Wednesday December 5
S2003 red_b_rackham & darwinsfinches
R1011 sillie82 & whiskygalore
E3007 tx_devilorangel & jillmariej

AMNESTY DAY: Thursday December 6
R1013 knowmefirst & blackrabbit42
S2010 regasssa & cptnbunnicula

AMNESTY DAY: Friday December 7
E3010 quickreaver & cherie_morte
S2014 knowmefirst & calin_durus
R1008 darklittleheart & storyspinner70
S2029 delicious-irony & calin_durus

Details will be posted when it's closer to November, but here are a few highlights:

Either one of you can put up the masterpost on the SPN_ReverseBang LiveJournal; both of you should have your own personal art & fic posts linked and available on your assigned date. Your personal post can be crossposted on your DW, Tumblr, AO3, wherever! Make sure you synchronize watches to present art + fic at the same time!

If neither of you is able to post on the SPN_ReverseBang LiveJournal, contact the mods so that we can arrange a masterpost for you. Everyone who wants to is welcome to crosspost on the SPN_ReverseBang Dreamwidth. Just be sure the LJ post is up first.

When all the teams have posted, we will make a ReverseBang masterpost to promote all your wonderful handiworks. We will also put together a collection on AO3.

Have fun collaborating! We're so looking forward to seeing what y'all come up with. :)

-The Mods

Schedule, Rules and FAQ

.mod post: posting schedule, .mod post: 2018

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