Get ready for Claims Day!
The big day is finally here: all of you eager authors out there get to peek at (and be tempted by) some wonderful art! Livejournal is the only place to see these previews, so spread the word and share a link to this post:).
Reminder to new artists and authors: there is no discussing the art or your choices in public until claimday:)
Also: no downloading, sharing or reposting art anywhere!!!!
If we've inadvertently forgotten anyone, or you see a problem, shoot us a PM or email us at ASAP.
A few of the images may not be safe for work, so view with care and read the warnings.
Claims will commence on Saturday September 22nd at 11 a.m. EDT. [GMT 15:00]
(Remember this is Daylight Saving time (aka Summertime;) - check carefully if applicable to your timezone!)
Without further ado, here is the 2018 SPN_ReverseBang art. Go have a look!
SPN Art |
RPF Art |
EITHER Art Do not submit claims to this post.
All art is posted anonymously in three categories: SPN, RPF and EITHER. The latter means it's up to the author's interpretation whether the story will be SPN or RPF. Each piece of ART has a number: a category letter and four digits, for example S1234 / R2345 or E3456.
Claims open on September 22nd at 11 am EDT. At that time authors -who signed up- can leave a comment on the claimpost with a top 5 list of the art they would like to claim. The mods will respond as fast as they can to confirm claims. Claims will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.
You don't need an LJ-account to claim; claiming via proxy* or anonymous commenting is allowed. We need to know: the NAME you registered with us, your EMAIL, and your top 5 choices (the ART number + preferably its title)
Please use the following comment format when making your claims:
TIP: as you go through the previews, create a textfile to type down your choices; prepare the text in the format and have it ready to copy and paste in a comment as soon as the claimspost opens;)
Mods will reply and inform the author of which piece they get, so keep an eye on your comment!
No editing comments!
In the event that you miss out on your top choices you must post a brand new comment to the post (not a reply to an existing comment) with your new selections.
If authors are not available during the claims period, they may use a proxy to submit their choices. If a proxy is making a claim for themselves as well, they must leave two separate comments, one stating their own top 5 choices and one stating the top 5 choices of their friend. A simple "claiming for [name here]" at the top of the comment will be fine.
We cannot guarantee that anyone will get their first, second, or even fourth choice.
Some pieces may be very popular, and it is natural to feel some disappointment if you don't get to write for something that really inspires you. However, please bear in mind the feelings of artists who will be reading the comments to the Claims Post as well; making comments along the lines of I don't want to write for any of this; or there's nothing good left; will not make any of the artists feel very good. If you've ever participated as a writer in a Big Bang challenge, you can understand the anxiety that comes from having your work chosen quickly or not quickly, or at all.
In the first round of claims authors will only be allowed to claim one piece of art. Claims will be first come first served, one author per picture, and the prompts will be crossed out as they are selected. If there are unclaimed pieces at the end of two days, there will be a second round of claims, wherein authors may claim a second piece to write for.
After a piece has been claimed:
Artists are free to contact their author as soon as they see that a claim on their piece has been confirmed. We will be posting an Author/Artist Matchup Reveals list, but that will take a little while, so we strongly recommend that artists proactively contact their authors ASAP; their mail will be in the claim:)
The art is not to be published anywhere until there is a story to go with it. We'll start on a schedule for posting when all the art has been claimed.
If you have any questions about the Claims process, please comment on this post. Remember claims will have their own post on the day.
Here's to a great Claims Day!