(no subject)

Dec 10, 2017 22:44

Art Title: all our eyes light like flames [fanart]
Prompt Number: S2011
Artist: red_b_rackham
Fandom(s)/Genre: Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: Dean Winchester/Bela Talbot
Rating: PG
Warnings: slight blood
Summary: Demon!Bela came topside and found her way to Dean, Knight of Hell. But something's wrong - they're coming apart at the seams, fighting too hard or maybe not fighting hard enough against something impossible at work. Forces collide to save two souls that don't believe they're worth saving. And somewhere, a storm is brewing...

A/n: The title and summary are currently temporary, until the lovely indefinissable is ready and able to post, but I wanted to squeak this in under the wire to ensure it got onto the masterlist. (Both of our lives have been on fire for a few months, so posting's been delayed.) I can't wait to see what this fab author comes up with! Watch this space for updates! ;D


Art Links: AO3
Fic Link: coming soon!

challenge: 2017, medium: digital manip, genre: spn, rating: pg, word count: art only

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