Desperately Seeking Someone

Nov 30, 2017 23:19

Art Title: 'cause the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly
Prompt Number: R1011
Artist: dancing_adrift
Fic Title: Desperately Seeking Someone
Author: cleflink
Fandom/Genre: RPS
Pairing(s): Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, brief Jensen/Others
Rating: PG
Word Count: 9000
Warnings: None

Summary: After the dramatic implosion of yet another relationship, Jensen is ready to swear off love forever. Instead, he ends up trying to find a new boyfriend with what is perhaps the most unorthodox method known to man. He’ll never live it down if it actually works.

As it turns out, Fate has a funny way of showing him that what he thought he'd been missing all along… isn't quite what he expected.

Art Link: DW
Fic Link: LJ | AO3 | DW

medium: mixed media, pairing: jared/jensen, word count: 8000 - 10000, challenge: 2017, rating: pg, genre: rpf

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