Art Title: One Upon A Time In The Woods (or Three Is The Magic Number)
Prompt Number: #R1017
beelikejMedium: Papercutting, Papier-mâché & Photoshop!
Fic Title: One Upon A Time In The Woods... (or Three Is The Magic Number)
sinfulslasherFandom/Genre: RPS AU
Pairing(s): GEN with hints of Jensen Ackles/Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Jared Padalecki (also mentions Kim/Briana)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 24,689
Warnings: None
Summary: In a world where shifters are ostracized as freaks of nature, Jensen is desperately trying to figure out what the future will hold for him and his shifter form. Eager to learn more about the reclusive shifter society, he finds a secluded resort run by Jeff that caters exclusively as a vacation spot to shifters of all kinds. Even though he is welcomed there with open arms, Jensen soon discovers that Jeff is keeping a big secret: a pink unicorn named Jared.
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