Art previews are up!

Nov 22, 2016 14:42

The big day is finally here! All of you eager authors out there get to peek (and be tempted by) some wonderful art! The post are locked for members only, so if you're not yet a member of the community, join us!

If we've inadvertently forgotten anyone or you see a problem, shoot us a PM or email us at ASAP.

Remember, no reposting anywhere else without permission of the artist.

A few of the images may not be safe for work, so view with care. Claims will commence Saturday, November 26, 10:00 am EST.

So, without further ado, here is the 2016 SPN RB art!

SPN Art Part 1 | SPN Art Part 2 | RPF Art | Either Art

Password = "artpreview"
(Since the post is password-protected, art cannot be reblogged)
SPN | RPF | Either

Note: Do not submit claims to this post.

challenge: 2016, mod post: 2016, .mod post: 2016, .mod post: art previews

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