SPN Prompts - Part 2 of 2

Nov 04, 2015 21:26

BROWSE ALL THE ART full size in the Flickr album HERE
NB do NOT share the art anywhere else without permission.


Title of prompt: Twists and Turns
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Castiel
Characters: Dean and Castiel explicitly in work. Any additional characters or side pairings in fic are fine. (Would love the inclusion of Charlie and shipper!Sam, though.)
Warnings: N/A
Short description of art: Castiel is reading a book while walking around the neighbourhood. Dean stands across the street. The road between them twists off into the distance.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes


Title of prompt: Disaster
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R
Pairing or Gen: GEN, HET, Sam/Jess
Characters: Sam and Dean-main characters
Short description of art: I want you to write Sam and Dean into a disaster movie. I want to see them get to be heroes without the guilt of having caused the disaster in the first place. The Day After Tomorrow, 2012, Independence Day, 10.5, San Andreas, whatever works for you. For example, what if Sam at Stanford and Dean hundreds of miles away and the world started to shake itself apart? Just remember that a disaster movie has a HOPEFUL ENDING so no Yellow Eyed Demon, Michael and Lucifer or any other canon supernatural apocalypse. I also hate the "kill the girlfriend" trope so if you include Jess don't kill her.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: I can't commit to new artwork, but if needed I will change the background of the original if it doesn't match the fic.

S2042 sohailsatan.tumblr.com" target="_blank">GIF SET
Password: spnreverse
USUAL RULES APPLY: Do not share this link!
Title of prompt: The Door’s Open But The Ride Ain’t Free
Rating of Art: T
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Could be taken as Dean/Baby, but could also be Gen exploring the familial relationship between them.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, and human!Impala (Baby) are the only ones explicitly included in my art. The second gifset includes Lilith, but could be envisioned as anyone the writer chooses, including an OC hunter/demon/angel/misc creature (I simply used her face because the images fit well).
The only serious request I can think of off the top of my head is that Baby’s name not be changed. He adamantly refuses to go by anything other than his given name.
Warnings: Graphic violence, could contain character death, up to the writer.
Short description of art: The Winchesters really should be getting used to this sort of bullshit by now. “But - you’re a guy! My car is not a guy!” The dark-haired man purses his lips in thought, and Dean is sure he’s fallen off the deep end for good this time. “I’m a muscle car with a stick shift. If you’re looking for a female, buy a Prius."
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes, if you like!


Title of prompt: Angel Radio
Rating of Art: Gen
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: can be Gen, can be Sam/Gabriel, can be Sam/Lucifer
Characters: Sam is in the art as well as several angels. Not all of them have to major players, but Gabriel Lucifer and Cas are favorites so if they had a place in the story that'd be cool.
Warnings: No warnings for the art.
Short description of art: Sam sits surrounded by sound boards and other machines. There are several screens around him showing various angels. Sam is saying something to them and manipulating the machines.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes


Title of prompt: Ours
Rating of Art: T
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Sadreel (Sam/Gadreel)
Characters: Gadreel and Sam, of course. Dean and Cas are fine too, no need to exclude them.
Warnings: Mpreg
Short description of art: Gadreel's possession had an aftereffect neither of them expected. And while at first he couldn't believe that he was pregnant with Gadreel's child, Sam wanted it nevertheless. His baby, his blood, his family. When Gadreel came back and wanted to stay, to help, to care for them, it was even better. He loved Gadreel, it was nearly perfect. Especially when Gadreel confessed his love for him and their child, Sam was never happier.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: No


Title of prompt: offering my soul, my flesh
Rating of Art: Teen and up
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Ruby/Abaddon
Characters: Ruby(2.0), Abaddon, Rowena, more ladies maybe...
Warnings: Blood, human bones
Short description of art: Ruby visits an ancient temple dedicated to Abaddon, goddess of cannibalism, and falls in love with her. She goes back again and again until watching frescos is not enough anymore, so she decides to summon her...
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes.


Title of prompt: Primordia
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: any
Pairing or Gen: gen preferred, but pairings are also welcome! (excluding Dean/Cas and Sam/Gabriel)
Characters: Castiel, obviously! it would also be lovely if Sam and Dean found their way into the story somehow (depending on the plot, of course). any appearances by any other characters are definitely welcome as well.
Warnings: N/A
Short description of art: Castiel has always felt a deep connection with his Father's creations - even the extinct ones. (could be time travel to actual dinosaur eras, could be a Jurassic Park-inspired AU/crossover, could be something else entirely... 100% your choice!)
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: yes


Title of prompt: Loving Every Second
Rating of Art: T
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Sadreel (Sam/Gadreel)
Characters: Gadreel and Sam are musts. But any characters can be included, it's up to the author, no exclusions needed on my side.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: If someone told Sam that he would one day sleep with his back pressed to Gadreel's chest, trusting him completely, loving it to have him so close and simultaneously having the most restful, dreamless, downright best sleep he could ever imagine, he would have thought them crazy. But here he was, doing just that, having Gadreel hold him and breathing against his neck, it was the best feeling ever, this was starting to be his guilty pleasure, it was just that good. Even after he woke up, he had started to just keep lying in Gadreel's arms, completely boneless, safe and sound, comforted and loving every second of it.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes


Title of prompt: You Are the Wilderness
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: mature/explicit
Pairing or Gen: Wincest or preslash
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester (please no implied Wincestiel, Destiel, or Sabriel) any other characters welcome as long as the focus is on the brothers.
Warnings: possible powers!Dean, up to author's interpretation
Short description of art: All Sam had to guide him was a single lantern in the darkening forest-where was his brother?
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes!


Title of prompt: Looking for Baby Adam (or: why you should be wary of mushroom circles)
Rating of Art: Gen
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Teen and up (aka serious themes are fine).
Pairing or Gen: dean/castiel (gen/puppy-love please); any other
Characters: (kid) Dean Winchester, (kid) Sam Winchester, (bird) Castiel, baby Adam ; beyond that feel free to include and/or exclude any character
Warnings: none
Short description of art: Baby Adam made ill-use of his recently gained ability to walk and stepped through a mushroom circle. Dean and Sammy are not very good babysitters but nevertheless loving (not much) big(ger) brothers and  follow after him. They find themselves in an autumnal forest not unlike the one they just left except for the fact that there's no one around (not even Baby Adam). Also, they meet a talking bird. Which makes Sammy very happy! But where are they; where is Baby Adam; what does that red strand of hair tied around Castiel's leg mean; and how will they get home ? Those are all valid questions they should be asking themselves very seriously.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes (up to three in total for reasons of time and rl limitations)


Title of prompt :On the Wall
Rating of Art: general audience
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: sky is the limit
Pairing or Gen: Gen or Destiel
Characters: Dean and Cas are in the piece, please include Sam and whoever else from the show (please no Mary-sues or Oc's)
Warnings: none
Short description of art: Cas went missing and the Winchesters finds him stuck in a crappy motel room's mirror, unable to hear through the glass.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes


Title of prompt: The Tale of the Queen's Revenge
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Cas, maybe Sam/Cas/Dean, Sam/Dean.
Characters: Art includes Charlie, Sam, Dean and Castiel. Wanted to include Cain, but couldn't figure out where to put him.
Warnings: Charlie has a peg-leg, and Sam's got an eye patch. Period-appropriate amputations.
Short description of art: A classic pirate-inspired tale of adventure, on an island in somewhere in the tropics.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes


Title of prompt: Collection
Rating of Art: PG-13
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Gen or Sam/Dean
Characters: Present-day, young adult, kid, and wee Dean shown; any other characters (particularly Sam, of course) welcome.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Someone is collecting Deans for a nefarious purpose. I just blocked in the colors so you can put the boys in the setting of your choice. I'll add the background, shading and detailing once you tell me if they're in a bright, sunny field or a dark, dank basement. Will also add Deans' injuries, because he needs some...
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes


Title of prompt: "Oracle"
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Cas
Warnings: None.
Characters: The painting depicts Dean and Cas.
Short description of art: Fantasy AU. A long way from home, and by order of his King, warrior Castiel finally sets foot in the underground temple where The Oracle presides. Now it remains to be seen if this entails the ending of his journey or just the beginning of a new path.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Maybe

imgur.com/xk5eEFj" target="_blank" title="S2054 THIS IS A GIF - click link to see animation">
S2054 GIF CLICK HERE to see the animation
Title of prompt: Six-inch valley
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R
Pairing or Gen: Possibly Gen. Allusions to past relationships (even non-cons) are welcome, but in the end it's up to the writer.
Characters: In the art: Sam, Dean, Hallucifer (?). Possible other characters left to the writer's discretion.
Warnings: Blood
Short description of art: During a dangerous hunt, Sam and Dean find themselves trapped in a crevasse that feels a lot like a certain place in Hell. Injuries, hypothermia and claustrophobia might play mind tricks on Sam.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes!


Title of prompt: Mirror Mirror
Rating of Art: NC-17
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R-Rated (explicit)
Pairing or Gen: Wincest (Bottom!Dean)
Characters: Sam Winchester; Dean Winchester; please feel free to add any character you like, big love for Charlie and Castiel.
Warnings: Crossdressing, Incest
Short description of art: It's not the first time Dean dressed up like a woman for a case, not the first time he tried on the long glossy wig to change into his other self, the one who is comfortable with itself. Sam knows about it but there was just no chance to talk to his brother about his strange behaviour, which consists of more than just the hidden dress up and relationship to food. (note for the author; please don't feel triggered to add my wish of the Eating Disorder thematic, it's not a necessary must to add.)
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: YES of course!


Title of prompt: Dean Winchester
Rating of Art: General
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Either, destiel is my OTP but I'm not putting any restrictions :)
Characters: Dean! :D aaand anyone you'd like.
Warnings: I'm ok with Graphic Violence and Hurt/Comfort is a kink however pleeeease no Major Character Death. Rape/Non-con is ok if there's some form of healing afterwards. Otherwise I might end up hating the world and I'm already well on my way.
Short description of art: Okay so this picture is quite honestly a last-minute thing. I couldn't come up with anything exciting so I took a photo ref and started doodling. I guess the biggest theme is the religious imagery in his tats and jewelry. Ackles has said his first idea of Dean was someone who had all this in his person so I went with that. The green hair was just fun tho :D The black eye is a result of me going nuts over the Coffin Hill comics which I just finished. So yeah, Dean here is definitely a combination of Constantine and Eve Coffin from Coffin Hill. I imagine he has a whole lot more tats under all those layers ;)
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: I may have time to do one more pic!


Title of prompt: "Heaven?"
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Don't care, let your imagination fly!
Characters: Jessica Moore, if the author wants to add another character I don't mind
Warnings: Major character death, implicit
Short description of art: What happens with Jess after the pilot
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes!!


Title of prompt: (Author's Choice)
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Castiel and/or Sam/Jessica preferred, but gen also fine
Characters: Art depicts Sam, Jess, Cas, and Dean.
Warnings: No warnings applicable
Short description of art: Sam, Jessica, Castiel, and Dean share a chairlift.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes


Title of prompt: The Day The Earth Said Fuck You
Rating of Art: T
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Castiel, anything else you like!
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, and Kevin Tran are all explicitly included in my art so far. I could add more characters depending on the author.
Warnings: None for the art.
Short description of art: One morning, the world is fine. The next, his brother is turning into a green rage monster and Dean has metal claws exploding out of his knuckles. A guy falls through their roof with the bluest eyes Dean has ever seen, which would be great, except for the fact that he’s molting. Not to mention the cagey kid Sam brings home who can climb walls.
He’d say he’s surprised, but at this point, he’s really not.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes!


Title of prompt: Cake Affair
Rating of Art: General Audience
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Cas
Characters: Dean and Castiel, any additional characters the author wants to work with
Warnings: None for this pic.
Short description of art: Dean could imagine better ways to spend his afternoons than sitting in some coffee shop slash bakery (that doesn’t even serve pie which, if you ask Dean, is scandalous) to plan a wedding. At least he’s in good company.
> Please no (permanent) Major Character Death and I’d be happy if there are no strong references to Dean/other and Cas/other. I also prefer bottom!Cas and top!Dean if the author wants to write something explicit.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes


Title of prompt: Already Home (tbd)
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17, Mature, explicite
Pairing or Gen: Sastiel, Sam/Cas, Cas/Sam
Characters: Sam and Castiel, anyone else welcomed.
Warnings: no specific warnings
Short description of art: Castiel sitting in bed, wearing Sam's shirt, researching on the laptop. Sam's head on his lap, asleep. Castiel finds a case or info about a case, then kisses Sam's head, closing the laptop.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: YES! (also this one will be completely coloured)


Title of prompt: All Hallows Eve
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Sam/Dean or Gen
Characters: Sam, Dean
Warnings: None
Short description of art: After a rough hunt, the boys take a breather.
Author is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

S2063 GIF CLICK HERE to see animation
Title of prompt: Hey Kids!
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Up to the author
Pairing or Gen: Don't care
Characters: Crowley, other than him no preference, although Amara might work well
Warnings: Scary clown!!!
Short description of art: Hey kids! It's time for "Crowley's Funtime Cavalcade"! With Crowley and Bonko the Clown! Sit right down and get ready for some FUN!
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes


Title of prompt: The Third Crescent
Rating of Art: PG-13
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Cas
Characters: Castiel Novak, Dean Winchester, Claire Novak
Warnings: Violence, Organized Crime, Implied Torture of a Minor, Gun Violence
Short description of art: Dean is charged with the task to kill Castiel, an ex Third Crescent agent, and retrieve the 'asset'. On the mission, Dean realizes that the asset is none other than Castiel's 16-year-old daughter.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes


Title of prompt: Night in Handcuffs
Rating of Art: Teen
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: ANYTHING!! GO NUTS!!
Characters: sam and dean winchester
Warnings: none, just the boys in underwear
Short description of art:
-*Sam's resigned voice* oh my god Dean..I'm gonna kill you after this
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: YAS


Title of prompt: Wild West
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Anything is fine really
Pairing or Gen: Honestly I don't care either way, but it seems to be leaning more towards romantic destiel
Characters: Dean and Cas are in the picture
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Pretty much just a wild western theme destiel with Dean reaching over for a kiss. Maybe an accident ensues, maybe not, who knows?
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes


Title of prompt: First Night
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Anything
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Cas
Characters: Dean and Cas, include anyone and everyone, but definitely include Mary and Sam.
Warnings: None
Short description of art:  Baby!Dean taking his first nap with baby!Cas.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes, if it's a longer story.


Title of prompt: Mermaid(s) in the Moonlight
Rating of Art: Mature
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Charlie/Mermaid (if the author wants to do additional side pairings, I am open to Destiel & Sam/someone, but no Wincest, Sam/Lucifer, or Sam/Amelia)
Characters: Charlie (who can be human or mermaid), and the mermaid she falls for (identity of the mermaid is negotiable - the drawing was Gilda/Hermione inspired, but the mermaid could also be Jo/Dorothy/OFC)
Warnings: none
Short description of art: Romantic moonlight swim anyone?  I’m pretty open to different scenarios for this fic.  Is it Hunter!Charlie who unexpectedly finds love on a case?  Is an AU where they are both mermaids?  Was Charlie shipwrecked on a deserted island and befriended by a local mermaid?  Something completely different?  Get creative!  Bonus for stories with unique plots.  Adding villains is fine, just not looking for a dark portrayal of all merpeople as a species.  No major character death.  Happy ending required.


Title of prompt: Pray for me, my priest
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC17
Pairing or Gen: Pairing
Characters:Sam, Dean, excluded Bottom!Dean
Warnings: NC17, but this art is G
Short description of art: The angel who always answers Sam's pray finally show up, but he is not an angel. Vampire? Demon? Or other creature? Anyway, Sam need to pay for it.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: (Yes or No) Yes


Title of prompt: Lucifer's sideshow
Rating of Art: PG13
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: up to author
Pairing or Gen: Gen or Meg/Cas or Lady-centric
Characters: Meg; no Crowley please!
Warnings: none
Short description of art: Sideshow AU, Meg as a fire dancer. Any and all ladies welcome, most especially Lucifer loyalist demon ladies, Azazel, Azazel's special children, Lucifer, Cas. Please no Dean/Cas- past or implied, No Crowley, no underage or non-con :D
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes!


Title of prompt: One Road, Two Roads, Strange Roads, Crossroads
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R
Pairing or Gen: No preference
Characters: Sam and Dean are in the art, but feel free to include anyone else you want
Warnings: None except for perhaps some mild "Ow! My childhood!"
Short description of art: Sam and Dean are at a crossroads, being offered a deal by something. Something in a red hat.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story:  Oh, hell yes.


Title of prompt: Brighter Than Gold
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R/NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Castiel
Characters: Dean, Castiel (Any other characters can be included - however the artist has not seen Season 10 or 11).
Warnings: Shirtlessness.
Circus AU, with circus performers Dean and Cas! (Squicks: no MCD or infidelity, and if there is sex bottom!Dean only please).
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: yes.


.mod post: 2015, challenge: 2015, genre: spn, .mod post: art previews

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