When You Catch a Werewolf on Camera

Feb 06, 2015 21:13

Art Title: --
Prompt Number: S1078
Artist: waywardwhisper
Fic Title: When You Catch a Werewolf on Camera
Author: story_monger
Fandom/Genre: SPN, romance, case fic, femslash
Pairing(s): Cassie/Kate
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 18771
Warnings: Some violence; spoilers for 10x4
Summary: Life is strange. One minute you're on a perfectly regular assignment for work, the next you're dealing with a short, blond werewolf who is alternatively threatening and endearing. That's not even mentioning the strange deaths that might present more of a danger than either you or said werewolf can properly handle. And here Cassie thought she'd left the supernatural weirdness behind with the Winchesters.
Art Link(s): tumblr
Fic Link(s): AO3

rating: g, word count: 8000 - 10000, pairing: femmeslash, genre: spn, challenge: 2014

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