Nov 20, 2014 22:41

Participants, please leave a comment filling out the form below. This check-in is MANDATORY for authors and must be completed by the 28th.

Reminders: Rough Drafts are due Sunday, December 7th. (As long as it's the 7th somewhere in the world, you're good!) Your rough drafts should be 3000+ words with a beginning, middle and end. We understand that all writers create differently, so we're not going to niggle the specifics, but be sure you have a good idea where you're heading with this. Your artist is surely excited!

Pinch-hitter sign-ups will remain open until the challenge ends. You can sign up to pinch-hit at spnrbb_pinchhit. If you need to drop out, please notify us at as soon as possible. Thanks, all!

PS...Pinch hitters will get extra time, of course, allotted on a case-by-case basis. Posting dates will remain the same, unless otherwise requested.

.mod post: check in, .mod post: 2014, challenge: 2014

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