Spoils of War [SPN]

Feb 01, 2014 22:31

Art title: Back Away
Prompt number: 1016
Artist: chef_geekier

Fic Title: Spoils of War
Author: dreamer1789
Fandom/Genre: SPN, case!fic
Pairing(s): Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 4335
Warnings: Language
Summary: A town full of people losing memories and a ritual gone wrong. All in a day’s work for the Winchesters. Though maybe this time they’ve bitten off more than they can chew.

Art link(s): LJ
Fic link(s): LJAO3

rating: pg13, word count: 4000 - 6000, pairing: none/gen, genre: spn, medium: digital miscellaneous, challenge: 2013

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