Guidelines & Advice for a Happy Bang Experience

Sep 29, 2012 21:27

Now that everyone has received their assignments, here is a list of suggestions and guidelines that will hopefully help make clear what we, the mods, expect from all participants, as well as how we would like this challenge to run. By now, you should have all contacted your partner at least once.

Purpose: This challenge is centered around collaboration between artists and authors to produce art and fic. Unlike traditional Big Bangs, however, the challenge focuses on the art first.

Every artist/author team dynamic will be different, just as they are in normal Big Bangs. Some teams will be more intense, with high levels of communication almost daily to create a great project together. Other teams will be more casual, with only the occasional email as both parties work separately and come together at the end for a master post. There is no right or wrong way to handle this challenge, and we leave to the discretion of each artist/author team to figure out what works for them. The only requirement we have is that both parties be civil and respectful towards each other during the process. That said, it is important for both parties to communicate and maintain some degree of contact. As a rule of thumb, you should be getting in contact with each other about once a week, even if it's just to say you're still around and working.

If there are problems between you and your artist/author, please try your best to work it out. If, however, they are being unresponsive or extremely uncooperative, you may PM the mod account and we will do our best to help resolve the issue.

Guidelines: These are not all rules, per se, but guidelines we strongly suggest both artists and authors follow in order to allow this challenge to be as fun and positive an experience as possible for all parties involved.

For the Writers:
  • Many writers may not have been assigned their first choice for art, and it is natural to feel some disappointment. However, please refrain from making public posts or comments complaining about what you were assigned, as that could be quite hurtful to not only the artist you are working with, but also to any other artists who might see any disparaging comments you make about art that was not claimed immediately.
  • Be polite, respectful, and enthusiastic when working with your artist. They put a lot of work into this challenge, and they deserve your best efforts in return.
  • Please discuss with your artist what your plans are for the story. You are not 100% bound by what they say they want in the story, but please try to at least take their thoughts and comments into account as you write.
  • Artists are free to create as much art as they want for their prompts. Therefore, there is the potential for them to create art that is directly related to the story you write; for this to happen, be sure to stay in contact with your artist and keep them apprised of updates in the story.
  • Once again, the minimum wordcount is 3,000 words.

For the Artists:
  • It is up to you how closely you wish the author to follow your vision for the art in their story. If you have a very specific vision that is fine, but bear in mind that most writers must be given at least a little room to breathe creatively in order to produce their best work.
  • You may create as many pieces of art as you like for any/all of your prompts. Please discuss your plans with your author and consider sending them drafts/completed pieces as you go.
  • We leave it up to every artist/author team to decide amongst themselves who will post the master post to spn_reversebang.
  • Artists with more than one prompt will have the posting dates of their prompts spread over several days.

Schedule: For your convenience, here is a re-post of the timeline for this challenge. To see an overview and list of rules, go here. Writers who need to drop-out, please let us know ASAP, so a pinch-hitter can be assigned.

Monday, October 8: Tentative Posting Schedule Announced
Thursday, October 11: Check-In
Sunday, October 28: Writer Rough Drafts Due
Thursday, November 8: Posting Begins

Joining/Watching the community: Because there are so many participants in the challenge, we will not be able to email reminders of deadlines or requirements. Therefore it is imperative that you join and watch the community for updates diligently. If you are prone to missing posts on your flist, you may also want to track the community for new posts as well.

Fic/Art Betas: If you would like to volunteer to beta in some capacity, please go to the sign up post here. If you are an artist or author looking for a beta, look in the above linked post to find a willing volunteer and contact them. We will not be assigning betas.

.mod post: 2012, .mod post: guidelines

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