First Info Post

Mar 23, 2006 22:17

While at Paley, Kripke said to google Lawrence, Kansas, so I figured that should be the subject of our first post.

In the mid-1800's, Lawrence was a city of anti-slavery senitent. [yay!Lawrence] As such, it contained several anti-slavery newspapers, and a hotel named the Free State Hotel, signifying the wish for Kansas to enter the union as a free state. The hotel was destroyed in the First sacking of Lawrence, soon after it was opened. It was burned along with the newspapers and much of the rest of the town. It was rebuilt a year later [at a cost of 80,000 dollars--which is over 2 million dollars adjusted!] and destroyed again in the Second sacking of Lawrence in 1863.

The Second sacking is most likely the one that caught Kripke's attention, since it was violent, and the first one resulted in no deaths. Upwards of 150 people were killed during the raid. It also resulted in the destruction of most of Lawrence that existed at the time. Most of the myths surrounding Lawrence tend to revolve around the Free State Hotel, which is now the Eldridge Hotel after the founder. However, I am unclear whether the issues with the current hotel are related, as it appears to be rebuilt several times. Supposedly there is a portal to another realm in room 506.

If anyone goes to Lawrence, and here I am looking at Dolimir, let me know, eh?

There is also an Urban Legend about the Gate to Hell being located in Stull, Kansas which is relatively close to Lawrence. Feel free to add anything you see fit to this!

Links of interest: [Thanks to Kennedy_Bowman for this one I think?] [Def. sited by Kennedy_Bowman]

So far everyone seems to have drawn a blank on Scramento, and I even lived there for a year, so if anyone come up with something...PLEASE SHARE! The main library is awesome. I basically lived there for a year.
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