Title: Redemption (Part III)
Supernatural: Redemption Road (for full series info,
warnings, and disclaimer)
swordofmymouth and
zatnikatelCharacters/Pairing: Dean/Castiel, Sam, OC and canon characters
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: ~29,000
Warnings: language, violence, sexuality, references to noncon, scenes that some may perceive as dubcon
dotfic and
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My poor heart almost didn't make it. Thank you ladies for this wonderful twist of events. I am beyond thrilled that Dean is back where he belongs, beside Cas in bed, underneath Cas in bed, with Cas between his legs in bed, on all fours with Cas above him in bed, or on the Impala, in the bathroom, against a wall, on the beach, in a cave, you get the idea, TOGETHER!
Secondly, if Anna was able to take back her grace, after tearing it out, why can't Cas take his back from the Impala? You know, siphon a little out of the gas tank? Dab it behind his ears. And, whammo, he would be floating on Grace fumes.
Thirdly, looking over at what Castiel wrote in his journal, leaves me wondering how on Earth was Sam able to decipher the writing?
Still, I love and appreciate whenever we get sneak peeks at Cas' journal. Always the little asides of "I Love You Deans" in there. So like a high schooler with a crush. I love the innocence it implies of Cas' love for Dean. Those feelings of first love from teenage years that are soooooo intense and NEVER to be revisited in adult hood. He has that. They both do. Sigh!!!
I love the way you put things. Hell yeah!
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