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Comments 31

darkforetold December 15 2011, 22:39:28 UTC
Ahh! All of these are gorgeous.

That second one.. the UST is bleeding off that piece. Sheesh. It's so fantastic. These two just need to go at it! <333

Fantastic and beautiful! <3


nyoka December 15 2011, 22:41:46 UTC
Amazing, amazing, amazing. Meg's face in the first image -- her expression is just so perfectly her! And Castiel looks so BAMFY as he stares up at her.

And the second image. MY GOD. Having read that scene, I just love how you've captured them in that moment. Dean's face is just...GUH. So many stories and desires and wants in that expression alone. GUH. THEY ARE SO IN LOVE.

Thank you for this awesome work, hon! <3


swordofmymouth December 15 2011, 22:42:34 UTC
Gorgeous! The attention to detail is just wild -- nipple freckle! To say nothing of the scissors and the hooked needle for stitches -- I'm really impressed by that.


hyearts December 15 2011, 22:47:44 UTC
I can't take this UST anymore. OMG. They better kiss this episode!


electricskeptic December 15 2011, 23:20:31 UTC
You already know I love these, bb, but I'm so impressed by the way you've managed to capture these scenes. There's so much in both of these pieces; the level of detail is astounding. Thanks once again for all your hard work on this <3


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