Project: Urban Legend - The Address edition

Feb 22, 2007 19:50

Under the cut tag you will find the address for Dawn Ostroff, who is the person/office at the Network that we are sending the Urban Legend postcards to. If you are NOT in North America then you can send your card any time between now and March 2nd. All North American participants are asked to wait until March 1st or 2nd, so that the cards all arrive at roughly the same time. Don't worry about being last, I'm sure our one member from Iceland has that position covered!

- All Project Urban Legend postcards must contain the following phrase somewhere on it:

Without the Winchesters, who will hunt the demon/ghost/witch ?"
Let's keep this road trip going!

- Once you have mailed your card, then and only then, comment to this post and then send me an e-mail with the subject line: Project Urban Legend, containing what you wrote on your postcard(s). I will need the following information:

LJ username:
Name you wish to be credited by (real, nickname, username, etc...):
Location (city/town, state/province & country; I will be putting coordinates in the book):
Urban Legend/Ghost Story summary: (write up the summary before you touch the postcard, they are small, and summaries tend to not be the first time around)
Scan of the front of the postcard if possible (This is optional)

REMEMBER, it is more important that you send a postcard than be in the book for Kripke, so please don't send me legends when you have no intention of mailing anything to the network!

- If you are planning on participating but don't see your name on THIS LIST, then comment there and let me know, otherwise I will not know that you have a legend/ghost story for the book.

Dawn Ostroff
President of Entertainment
The CW Network
411 North Hollywood Way
Burbank, California 91505

THANK YOU in advance for all of your work! And thanks again to thirdsouthobbi for letting me crash here!

*** o_nevermind is already covering the Winchester Mystery House ***

info, address, sent postcards, project urban legend

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