Title: Freak of Nature
Author: Mangacat(201)
Pairing/Characters: Jared/Jensen (preslash, kinda) Dean, others
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 9663
Disclaimer: If someone could own them, I think there would be Third World War breaking out soon enough, so we’re all glad they only belong to themselves and hopefully don’t do these things… and if you do, don’t tell us about it, yeah? YEAH? No harm, no foul, no money, all fiction. (Plus, Dean belongs to Kripke, but you'd better not tell him that...)
Warnings/Spoilers: Not really, mentions of the finale to season four, but all in all it's just hints that can be read everywhich way.
Summary: The umbrella, sometimes (well, yeah most of the times) it's just protection against shitty weather. It's the ones that can be called incidents, that make the thing really funny. Jared is about to find out just how screwed up life can get on one of those special occasions.
A/N: This is my contribution to the May prompt of the spn_pic_for_fic challenge (yeah, running a bit late, but there's life and there's RL you know...) anyway, look at the community to figure out what this is about and start up your own fic_for_pic, we're waiting!!
This is where you get the GOOD stuff