MOD POST: The Future of spn_party

Oct 08, 2013 12:54

Due to a myriad of reasons, primarily the decreasing participation and the inability of the mods to maintain the community, we have decided to place the community on indefinite hiatus.

We hate to do this at such a time, with the premiere just hours away, but the three of us that run this comm have found it increasingly difficult to balance the many responsibilities of running such a community as well as our own personal individual responsibilities responsibilities. We love the community that has been built here, and we've hated to watch it dwindle away over the past year. But now things have changed; the community has over two thousand members, and yet we're lucky if there are any comments on new posts. At this point, it's not viable to continue. We're choosing to shut down now rather than try to continue limping forward through this season, because that wouldn't be fair, to you or to us.

If you are looking for other communities to get your SPN fix, there are several other active comms, including ones that offer posts similar to our FFAs and Party Posts. We encourage those of you still active to try them out. Feel free to share your favorite hang-outs in the comments.

From all three of us; a_fast_machine, ohmiya-sg, and aubade-saudade, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making the past year and a half a hell of a ride. It's been great, and I'm sure I speak for everyone who has been involved in the management of the community at any point in time when I say it's an experience we won't forget. But now it's time for us to take our leave. So thank you all, and goodnight.

!community bzns, !mod post

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