The Babysitter - Gen - PG - 1/1

Jul 24, 2007 10:11

Title: The Babysitter
Author: chaletian
Pairing/Characters: Wee!Dean, John, OC
Word Count: 2,126
Notes/Disclaimers/Summary: Wee!chester fic. John goes out for the evening and is forced to get a babysitter in to look after the boys.

Betsy Johnstone was a good babysitter. Everyone said so. She got paid more by the hour than any other fifteen year old in Smithsville, TN (as far as she could tell, anyhow, and she’d conducted some pretty exhaustive research on the subject), and that got you respect in the babysitting world.

character: john, genre: gen, *fanfic, rating: pg, character: ofc, character: dean

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