Hi. Welcome to
spn_north. Consider this the Canadian version of
spn_50states. In the claiming of states over there, some interest was generated in claiming provinces, so I figured why the hell not. Show's filmed in Canada, Dean doesn't even have to get on a doomed airplane to get here, let's do it.
Except, well. We've only got ten provinces and three territories to work with, and that's a bit small for a fic challenge. I hope. And, while I could open it up to two claims per, that's still small, and I figured something else might be more interesting. But, I'm not entirely sure what that something else is. In the vein of the 50 States Ficathon, I still want this to focus on location, on legends and mythology somehow tied to the location. Beyond that, I'm open to how specific or non-specific we get with locations up for claiming.
A "rural" and a "city" claim per province/territory as well as the general claim? Specific city claims? National parks? Canadian "themes"? Something else entirely?
What I'm saying here is, I want input. I want to know how much interest there is in this, and if anyone has any other brilliant ideas. Completely open to suggestion here. So.
Rough Guidelines so far
a) Until May 12th this post is open to prompt/claim suggestions and ideas.
b) On May 14th I will post the finalised list of claims, and the claiming and ficcing can begin.
c) I'm thinking mid-August for the challenge deadline.
d) All Supernatural fic is welcome. Gen, slash, Wincest, het, we're not picky, we just want fic.
e) INPUT, PEOPLE. This is a Canada challenge, I want to be helpful, polite and all-inclusive. But if you make fun of hockey I will end.you.
f) NO CLAIMING YET. I won't accept claims until May 14th, in the claims post.
g) Stay tuned for updates. Thank you kindly!