Title: Chocolate Cream
dark_princess17Rating: PG
Pairings: (implied) Nick/Dean; implied mentions of Nick/Sarah & Dean/Lisa
Warnings: Spoilers for season 05
Spoilers: Season 05
Word Count: 2152 words
Summary: "Okay, then. What's your pie?"
Note: Written for Tag War on
spn_nick. Was tagged by
x_shadowwings_x with the prompt - 'Nick/Dean, discovering which pie filling Nick prefers the most' (And this turned out far more angsty than I had originally intended for it to.)
Chocolate Cream @
fics_by_megan And I'm going to tag
drabblewriter with this prompt: "How could God stand idly by while that man broke into your home and butchered your family in their beds?" What happened to Nick on the day/night he lost his wife and son?