Title: Fireworks
aphoticdivinityRating: PG
Pairing: Dean/Nick
Spoilers: Through 5x22
Warnings: None, just somewhat mindless schmoop.
Word Count: 1215
Disclaimer: Dean and Nick are still not mine (darn!) nor is the awesome show they come from or any other characters/locations listed herein... I just like to have fun manipulating them to my whims :) They all belong to Kripke and Co. and it'll likely remain that way unless I find a way to bribe him into handing the show over. (What? I can dream!)
Summary: After much convincing, Nick takes Dean to see fireworks.
Notes: Written for my
schmoop_bingo card, for the square “summer holiday/festival.” I'm well aware I'm not very original with these titles :P (And yes, there really is a Bigger Better Burger contest at the Delaware State Fair this year... go internet research!)
It had taken a lot of convincing for Nick to get Dean to accompany him to the Delaware State Fair... )