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Comments 43

callowyn March 12 2011, 23:27:53 UTC
Name: callowyn
Age & Location: 20, New York
Interests: Things that are not SPN are utterly foreign to me.
What's on your journal, and is it friend-locked?: My updates are irregular and sad, but it's all free for public viewing. These days I mostly make fanart.

How/when I discovered SPN: I hit SPN late- 5.17 was the first I watched live, and the first episode I ever saw was 4.01- but once I started, I got sucked in like you wouldn't believe, and ended up watching the show in its entirety over the course of about a week and a half.
Favorite episode(s): ALL OF THEM. Every finale and every premiere, including both parts of All Hell Breaks Loose. Also: Bloody Mary, Simon Said, What Is And What Should Never Be, Dream A Little Dream Of Me, Mystery Spot, On The Head Of A Pin, The Rapture, Abandon All Hope, Dark Side Of The Moon, Caged Heat. Also, not gonna lie, I love all the AUs and meta shout-outs. 6.15 will be making me happy for a long time.
Favorite character(s): Sam'n'Dean as an inseparable unit of angst and feelings and badassery, but also ( ... )


thegeminisage March 12 2011, 23:31:17 UTC
Name: Liz
Age & Location: 21, South Carolina
Interests: Writing, reading, drawing, astronomy, being a crazy cat person
What's on your journal, and is it friend-locked?: It is partially f-locked! Under the friends-only entries are personal entries and lots of memes, public entries are artwork, fics, etc.

How/when I discovered SPN: A couple of years ago I was looking around for h/c fanfic outside my fandom. I found SPN fic and started downloading episodes!
Favorite episode(s): Point of No Return, without question. <3
Favorite character(s): You can't make me pick B| Sam, Dean, Cas, and Bobby!
Favorite ship(s): Sam/Dean/Cas. I like Wincest, Destiel, and Sassy well enough, but OT3 is the only ship for me~

How/when I got into TNG: callowyn and I were talking about how cool it would be and I was like "can I write a Big Bang of this" and she was like "dghsdkjgsdf yes" and it's been eating m brain ever since. then I started seeing it all over Tumblr...
Favorite TNG character(s): Claire, Ben, and Jesse. <3
Favorite TNG ship(s): Ben/Claire, Jesse/ ( ... )


metonomia March 22 2011, 05:45:06 UTC
We're friending already, but - Zelda! omg I never contemplated a Zelda fandom! What does this entail?


thegeminisage March 22 2011, 15:16:10 UTC
Not much, to be perfectly honest. Lots of people never contemplated a Zelda fandom so it's pretty dead. The few of us who produce fanworks often can never seem to find each other, I guess. XD But it's my first and truest love, so I will fic/art it until the day I die. <3333


grlkat2 March 13 2011, 03:41:46 UTC
Name: grlkat
Age & Location: 18, New york
Interests: SPN, Sci-Fy in general, Football, Baseball, Horror movies, The Fandom
What's on your journal, and is it friend-locked?: A lot of SPN fics, with some Young Justice and Merlin stuff along with memes and some rants, but the latter are rare. And not friend-locked =)

How/when I discovered SPN: Actually watched it from the beginning.
Favorite episode(s): Oh well crud. I've been rewatching On The Head of A Pin, I can do this forever. Also Something Wicked, Changing Channels, Croatoan, Hunted, Skin, In MY Time of Dying, Dark Side of the Moon, The End.
Favorite character(s): I'm a lover of Team Free Will so I love my Winchesters, Castiel and Bobby. Non-TFW favorite is probably Andy, he's so freaking adorable, and little Michael, who was like a little Dean and so badass for like, twelve.
Favorite ship(s): I'm better of finding ships I DON'T like. But my favs will be the original, the Sam/Dean wincest followed by Dean/Cas and Michael/Lucifer. And Dean/Impala with Sam/Laptop.

How/when I got into ( ... )


escherzo March 13 2011, 05:09:27 UTC
Name: Christopher or Chris, whichever
Age & Location: 19, Ohio
Interests: Other than the obvious, writing, drawing, icon-making, amassing books, general nerdity, and various sci-fi/crime shows.
What's on your journal, and is it friend-locked?: Not a whole lot these days? A smattering of SPN (I would have more but I'm just starting to get into the fandom proper and have only a few people added who watch it so I feel a bit odd posting about it all the time like I want to as of now), Doctor Who, family, work, silly things, etc. It's partially friendslocked.

How/when I discovered SPN: I was introduced to it by exsequar when the end of S3 was airing on TV. Started at the pilot though, I'm a completionist and have to see things in the right order.
Favorite episode(s): Oh man. Pilot, Something Wicked, Crossroad Blues, Houses of the Holy, Tall Tales, On the Head of a Pin, Two Minutes to Midnight, Swan Song, Weekend at Bobby's, Bloody Mary, etc. I can't pinpoint just one.
Favorite character(s): Dean is my favorite, hands down. I'm also overly fond ( ... )


bunnybabi March 13 2011, 08:59:23 UTC
Name: Stepha
Age & Location: Twenty & Homestead, FL
Interests: So... So many. Haha. Uhhh let's see... Other than the obvious, writing, drawing, making manips on photoshop, being on tumblr, rping, laughing, reading, singing, driving my car, eating cookies, baking, being on the computer (ah duh), watching TV, sleeping, playing games, listening to music, lemon flavored iced tea, hugging my dog, dancing like no one is watching, Top Gear, and poking people.
What's on your journal, and is it friend-locked?: Uh... Not much is on my journal. I have had my journal for like more than a year already but I am still very much a 'noob' on here. -pokes LJ- It's very... foreign to me.

How/when I discovered SPN: I saw a preview for the series on the WB during Smallville before it started and was like "Oh, a show about paranormal stuff. Sounds like my kind of scene." I watched the pilot when it gave andddd it turned out it was my kind of scene xD.
Favorite episode(s): I have a favorite episode in every season. I can't choose. The First Season is ( ... )


grlkat2 March 13 2011, 12:13:59 UTC
Wait, wait. You can't tease like that, lady. What's your crossover ship? *poke poke*

AND BMW T__T Eric love?


mikes_grrl March 13 2011, 14:50:55 UTC
Wait, there's a nextgen tumblr? Where?!?!?!?

Also, seconding the "what's your crossover ship?" :P


bunnybabi March 14 2011, 03:46:34 UTC
Sam Winchester and River Tam

... )


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