Welcome to SPN: Next Gen!

Mar 10, 2011 00:33

Hello and welcome to the comm! Check the cut for a quick rundown on what this is and how it works out.

What's this?

A comm dedicated to all things involving the next generation of hunters from the Supernatural universe.

What kinds of stuff can we post here?
  • Fanfiction
  • Fanart
  • Graphics/Manips
  • Wallpapers/Desktops
  • Icons
  • Fanmixes
  • Fan Poetry
  • Casting Suggestions
  • Podfic
  • Recs

What's allowed?
  • Gen
  • Crack
  • Gore
  • Porn
  • Het
  • Slash
  • Femslash
  • Threesomes
  • Foursomes
  • Moresomes
  • Lonesomes
  • You get the idea

What isn't?
  • Extreme underage porn
  • Character bashing, hateful comments, flames, etc
  • Stories that don't involve a "next generation" character in a major role
  • Stuff that is untagged or unrated, or that lacks a header and/or proper warnings
  • Spoilers for unaired episodes

General rules?
  • Big/multiple pics, long texts, and stuff that requires warnings go under cuts
  • Make sure a "next generation" character plays a major role in your fanwork
  • Don't post something and then f-lock it
  • Don't be a jerk

How do you define a "next generation" character?

Loosely that's someone we have seen or heard of on the show whose lives have somehow been touched by the supernatural. They may or may not be hunters, psychics, barkeepers, villians, vessels, victims, etc. They do not have to be younger than Sam and Dean; Kathleen Hudak qualifies if she starts hunting or deals with a supernatural issue AFTER the events of the episode she appears in.

Normally, though, people are referring to Claire Novak, Jesse Turner, and Ben Braeden. But it could be anyone! They aren't main characters (Sam, Dean, Castiel), they aren't characters who hunted before the show started (John, Bobby, Rufus), and they aren't original characters. You can have those characters in your work, just make sure a "next generation" character plays a major role.

What should I warn for?
  • Sexual Content
  • Violence
  • Spoilers for recently aired episodes
  • Triggery material

If in doubt, warn! And make sure you put it under a cut. Better safe than sorry.

How do I make a header?

Any way you want. Just make sure you include warnings, character/pairings, media type, and a description of what you're posting.

What if there's not a tag for my stuff?

Drop me a line. PM me, comment on this post, whatever. There's a ton of different characters and ships that could possibly fit here, and there's no way I'll be able to make tags for them all the first go round, but I'll be more than happy to make a tag for you. Make sure I respond before you get upset that I've ignored you; if I don't respond, I just may not have seen it.

What can I rec?

Anything you want, from any site you want. Same rules go for recs as for regular stuff. Make sure you use a header, give us warnings, all that good stuff. Please also tell us why you're reccing it and give proper credit to the original creator!

What if I have more questions?

If you have a tricky fanwork, need clarification on the rules, want to affiliate, etc--by all means, ask. Leave a comment on this post or PM me. :D

So, yes, welcome welcome! I'll be putting up a friending meme soon, and consider this the official go-ahead to start posting any fanworks you have!

type: mod post

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