"A Rift in Destiny" Podfic

Mar 03, 2011 00:03

A Rift in Destiny

Rating: Parts will vary from PG to NC17

Characters/Pairings: Torchwood/Supernatural Crossover fic.
Ianto Jones, Captain Jack Harkness, Owen Harper, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer.

Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for Torchwood-Children of Earth and Supernatural Season 6.

Summary: Ianto Jones, the newest recruit to the celestial being club, is taken under Castiel's wing, literally. But while learning to adapt to his new "life", Dean Winchester meets Captain Jack Harkness on a routine hunt, only to find they have more in common that he could ever imagine--Destiny.

A/N: This will be a WIP. I hope all you TW and SPN fans out there will give this a shot. Even if you are JUST a Ianto/Jack fan you can read this for the loooooooove. Also goes for the Dean/Castiel fans as well. This is my first crossover fic but it's going to be awesome. I promise <3
Comments are LOVE.

My Note: The point of view changes between the four main characters (sometimes several times in one chapter) so to make it easier for the listener to follow who is speaking I have incerted clips from the theme songs when the POV shifts... let me know if this works! Wedabble and I were able to follow but we are already familiar with the story. If too many of you find it confusing PLEASE let me know and I will try to figure something else out :D ENJOY!

Title: A Rift in Destiny - Prologue
Author: wedabble  
Reader: froggyfun365  
Link to text: HERE
Pairing: Ianto/Jack & Dean/Cas  
Rating: PG-13
Length: 02:13, 2.03 MB
Link to mp3 download: HERE 

Title: A Rift in Destiny - Chapter 1
Author: wedabble  
Reader: froggyfun365  
Link to text: HERE
Pairing: Ianto/Jack & Dean/Cas  
Rating: PG
Length: 04:26, 4.07 MB
Link to mp3 download: HERE

Link to ALL of my podfics: HERE

audiofic, audio, podcast

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