May the Gods Bless Thy Union...! (RPS 1/1)

Nov 28, 2012 16:06

Pairing: J2
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5600+
Warnings: Mpreg, Slightly Graphic Birth.
A/N: Double Fill, Cursed* On my H/C BingoCard @ hc_bingo
Mpreg Autumn Challenge @ mpregwinchester
A/N2: My first Mpreg fic :D
Summary: Two lovers are desperate for Gods' approval, so asking for an ancient magic that is given to soulmates only is a smart idea, isn't it? Especially since a) Olympian gods are sort of stuck up SOBs and b) it is said to hurt like hell...
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. 
Genre: AU, H/C, Greek-Mythology. Despite the summery, Not a humor fic
Thanks: sam_dean_hot  who was a wonderful beta and didn't mind the short notice *Thank You Very Much :P You are a life savior*

(Was Called: Of Gods and babies!!)

mpreg, rps, j2, hurt!jensen, preg!jensen, pairing: jared/jensen

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