Cool, Scary, Beautiful

Aug 05, 2008 17:53

Title: Cool, Scary, Beautiful
Author: kowaiyoukai
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): AU, time discrepancies, crackalackin'
Spoilers:The Dark Knight, SPN S01E04 and S02E02, but really now. Come on, people. If you haven't seen either those episodes or TDK yet, what are you doing reading my fic?
Word Count: 1,450
Challenge: my_sam_dean, Bobby, fly, beautiful, corner, "Reckon you should, you idgit."
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and the CW. No profit is being made from this fanfiction.
Beta Acknowledgment: siriuslyyellow.
Summary: In which Dean and Sam argue, fears are discovered, and Bobby keeps his mouth shut.
A/N: Unfortunately and due to unavoidable circumstances, ladydeth12 had to back out at the last minute. So, I'm filling in for her this month. And due to my current The Dark Knight obsession, this was the only thing I could actually write. So, have at it! LOLZ MAED UP PASTZ R FUN?! And I know the timing is completely off by a whole lot. My feeling on the matter is-SUCK IT UP!! ^_^*

Fake-cut to Cool, Scary, Beautiful

challenger: my_sam_dean, author: kowaiyoukai, month: july 2008, words: 1000-1500, rated: pg13

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