Title: Sh'd Never Tell
kowaiyoukaiRating: PG-13
Warning(s): Implied yuri, angst.
Spoilers: Everything, up to and including the end of season 3.
Word Count: 547
ladydeth12, Ruby/Crossroads Demon, the Colt, pizza, photo of the Easter Bunny, "Well, drink up! We've got work to do."
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and the CW. No profit is
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I was like--AHA! Since Sam killed off her lover, Ruby won't save his. Do you see how that works? :P
and on another note, i just had to ask rob for $1700 to pay for my independent study for summer ii. so awkward.
And also, since we're bullshitting anyway, it's your week to put something up on disguisedgenius. So go do that. LIEK NAO. >.<;;
RE: Disguisedgenius.. does poetry count because that's all i got.
Yeah, I'm not working with Cioffari b/c he's on sabbatical in spring, and guess when my thesis is going to be in? Yep, so now I've got Newton, and he's fun, but I've never worked with him before so I'm sort of nervous about it. I mean, he was the only one who wasn't all anti-sci-fi/fantasy on me, so it was really the only choice. But he's nice and cool, so I think it'll be okay. :D
Also, bitch read my wincest fic NAO!! *stamps foot*
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