The return of John Winchester! Yes, Sir is back! And badder than ever; we clearly see where the boys get their sexy from. *nods* Also, there's some kind of plot.
(and someday I'll remember to post these reminders earlier, like, yesterday. *head!desk* I blame grad school. )
SPN Re-Watch:
Thursday, September 16
9pm EST
Episode 1x16 ("The Shadow")
Group chat: log-ons are allowed in Chatango, but they are a hassle for people to keep track of, so anyone who wants to participate I encourage you to get a login!)
If anyone has any questions, just post them here as a comment or PM your friendly mods (that would be me or
candesgirl). Also, the rewatch is open-invite, so if you know someone who is not a mongrel (yet!) but would like to play, bring her/him along!
No character bashing, no actor bashing, no wanking, no trolling, no flaming! As usual, all ships welcome in discussion. Also, there will not be a spoiler policy for the rewatch; if you come into the chat room, chances are you might find spoilers discussed for the whole run of the series so far. We are only watching the one episode, but people can stay and keep chatting for as long as they want once it is over. Plot bunnies welcomed and encouraged, so you might want to keep a document window open. Just sayin'... *grin*