An Update of Sorts

Mar 09, 2022 15:41

Hello to all our members(past and present) and visitors. I hope this finds you all well and as safe as can be in these scary times.

Given the current state of affairs in the world at the moment, there is the very real possibiity this site will not be acessible in the near future. I have backed the comm up to Dreamwidth to preserve what I can of it. Links and/or images may eventually go to 404 errors, which I can do little about.

I would ask contributors that if you haven't done so already, please add your wonderful works to Ao3's Meant To Be master collection(link on the comm's main page, upper right hand side). I hope any creators who have moved on might see this and consider adding their works to the collection as well.

We hope to have another challenge at some point, so keep watch here(if possible), on our Tumblr and at our Dreamwidth account.

Be well!

mod post, dreamwidth

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