Just a reminder that summaries are going to be posting tomorrow, on Sunday 1/31 at 12:00pm EST. You'll have 24 hours to look through them all and find your favorites, before claims open at 12:00pm EST on Monday 2/1.
Notes about claiming:
-Claims are first come first served
-Proxy claims are allowed (please specify that it is a proxy claim)
-Each summary can have 1 author and 1 artist/vidder/podficcer
-Collaborations are great, but please sign up in the same comment
-Each comment can have your top 3 choices
-If you don't get any of your top 3 choices, please make a separate comment with your next 3 choices instead of replying to your first comment
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the RULES! Please use this template for claiming:
Username: Fic, Art, Vid, or Podfic:Choice 1:Choice 2:Choice 3: See you back here soon to check out the summaries!