Fic: Even Angels Have Their Wicked Schemes

Nov 06, 2010 04:08

Title: Even Angels Have Their Wicked Schemes
Author: aeon_entwined
Rating: R
Pairing/Characters: Sam/Lucifer
Spoilers: 5x22
Warnings: Dub-con/Stockholm Syndrome/mental instability/the works
Word Count: ~435
Disclaimer: If they were mine, Show would be unrecognizable. They belong to the Kripke and associated copyright holders.
Summary: Sam never thought it would end like this.
Notes: Written for holydread ♥ So, my wife went and thought up some really angsty and not-happy-at-all scenarios with our boys. We bantered back and forth, and I ended up getting bit by a plot bunny. And here is the final result. It's nothing epic or extremely wordy, but I hope you guys enjoy it. I listened to the following song {featured @ my comm} on repeat today (and while writing it), and I would suggest listening to it as you read. Is it cheesy? Maybe. Does it fit? Painfully well.

{ Even Angels Have Their Wicked Schemes}

genre: kink (consent issues), type: fic, genre: slash, rating: r, pairing: lucifer/sam, character: sam, word count: 101-999, genre: kink (other), character: lucifer, genre: angst, author: aeon_entwined

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