Welcome to the
spn_littlebro edition #80 for July/Aug 2019
About 40 days left of hiatus until the final season of Supernatural. *cry*
More stories of hurt Sam/Jared until then!!
spn-meanttobe is back!!
spn_reversebang is here!!
Recent stories:
You-ll-Accomp-ny-Me by
K-Hanna-Korossymadebyme_x says "You can never have enough Baby tags, right?! This was is perfectly heavy on the h/c and features both brother's taking care of each other!"
Unbearable by
TookMeASecondayane42 says "Wonderful story!! I just loved this!!"
Another Brick In the Wall by
road_rhythmayane42 says "A long case fic with lots of hurt Sam and suspense!! A great story!!"
Oldies but Goodies
Life As We Know It by
sevenfistsayane42 say "Another really great story!"
The Christmas Spirit by
Noxbaitayane42 says "Wow, this an amazing, long casefic with both Sam and Dean seriously ill. Lots of sick Sam and sick Dean."
Stray by
Morganayane42 says "This an awesome story!! Long and winding with a big surprise at the end!!"
Tumblr wetsammy,
jaredsnuggles and
soy_em have been reblogging lots of fabulous works on tumblr.