Welcome to the
spn_littlebro edition #77 for Jan/Feb 2019
Supernatural renewed for Season 15!! Woohoo!
Need more Sam in your life? The fics and art are still rolling in for the
sammybigbang challenge so please stop by and take a look at all the wonderful entries!
Happy Birthday Jensen!
This way to the hurt!
Recent stories:
Following Orders by
juliasetsmadebyme_x says "This is an epic fic, that sees Sam cursed as a teenager and how that affects him emotionally and physically. A must read!"
Featured Recs
You Can Hear The Whistle Blow A Hundred Miles by
Bommalooayane42 says "This a great story!! Season one AU where Sam leaves at 15 and goes a different way. It's a wonderfully written long journey for Sam."
Oldies but Goodies
Beauty and the 'Bot by
zubeneschamaliayane42 says "This is a wonderfully sweet story!"
Sincere Friends of Liberty Have Been Rare by
mya_rofkiayane42 says "I read this a long time ago and then re-read it recently. Great story with lots of hurt Jared!"
When The Levee Breaks by
orphan_accountayane42 says "Wonderful story of Sam discovering what he really wants."
Hiss by
cowboyguymadebyme_x says " A short but oh so sweet hurt/sick!Sam fic!!"
jaredsnuggles and
soy_em have been reblogging lots of fabulous works on
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