Newsletter #63 September/October 2016

Oct 31, 2016 13:42

Welcome to the spn_littlebro edition #63 for September and October 2016!

Wow!! Season 12 started off with some awesome Hurt Sam!!!

Looking for Season 12 fix-it fics? Look no further!!

wetsammy and sammythankyou have put together an awesome list here!

If we have missed any great S12 fics or art please let us know!

Recent stories:

How the Wild Things Start by foolscapper
ayane42 says "I love divergant AU's! This story is a rollercoaster ride of emotions with lots of hurt Sam!!"

Conversations with the Dead by Lennelle
ayane42 says "This is a great case fic, and horror story following Sam through his disappearance in the house and how he copes after! Really a great story!"

Sea Story by Chakatai
ayane42 says "This was a really good, creepy story about Sam and Dean by the ocean. I was really drawn into it by the description of the author and the tone of the whole story!"

When It's Time for Leaving by caranfindel
madebyme_x says "A wonderful teenage angsty fic, set right after Sam graduates from high school. This is wonderful on so many levels, and I love the injured and bad ass Sam that we see here. Plus the back story that's created about a moment in Winchester history is just perfect! So go on, give it a read!"

Blood Pact by TiTivillus
cherry916 says "This was a recently finished story that I really loved from start to finish. It is an interesting take on the Benny situation in Season 8 and each chapter left you in pieces about what was happening to Sam and how Sam and Dean's relationship was fracturing. She also wrote it in a really cool up to the readers style for which options we would like to see in each chapter."

A Mother's Love by madebyme_x
ash48 says "A wonderful Mary POV story - the author beautifully captures how Mary might see her boys now. I also love that Mary and Sam are in peril and their kick!ass-ness that gets them out of it. The story also brings back a character who I would LOVE to see again on the show."

Big Bangs

Two Alphas Walk Into a Bar by cillasstuff
ayane42 says "This is a very thought provoking story. It examines both Jared and Jensen's point of view in their new relationship and how they deal with it. A very good story!!!"

The Jaybird's Epiphany by brokenlittleboy
ayane42 says "Wonderful story of Jensen taking care of Jared and how they changed each other's lives."

Littlebro's Tumblr

Sammythankyou and wetsammy have been reblogging lots of fabulous works on tumblr.  Here's a sample (links directly to the recs on spn_littlbro tumblr)

S12 Quotes gif set by out-in-the-open

the orin final picture that is by amama31

in my time of dying gifset by spn-idjits-guide-to-hunting

Mamma Mia brother hug that wasn't by nisaki-chan

Memento gif set by wellcometothedarkside

Mamma Mia knife torture gif set by themegalosaurus

Keep Calm And Carry On by semirahrose

What's Else?

Don't forget YOU can make recs at spn_littlebro too! We love hearing from other fans. :)


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