Newsletter #59 for January/February 2016!

Feb 24, 2016 19:53

Welcome to the spn_littlebro edition #59 for January/February 2016!

Fevered Ramblings:

Who's Hurting Sam or Jared Lately?

Rec by harrigan

Title: To Have and To Hold
Author: zubeneschamali
Summary: Omega!Jensen is a notorious pain-in-the-ass, but the only match his parents can make is with the super-conservative Padalecki pack. Jared's an Alpha, but pack attitudes regarding his disability have left him resigned to a life of solitude. When life drops a pissed-off spitfire like Jensen into his lap he's not quite sure whether to hold on tight or run for cover.
Genre/Pairing: J2AU
Type of hurt: Permanent disability, leg brace
Why are you rec'ing this story? The whole story is h/c, from the first sentence to the last! I ♥ orthopedic trauma, and permanent disability is just icing on the cake. I love how zubeneschamali subverts the A/B/O trope: you can always count on her to show characters who have a brain and a conscience. This time, with added cuddling!
Anything else we should know? word count 4-5K

Recs by madebyme_x

Title : Map to the Sun
Author : dawnmay
Summary : Jensen lost his best friend, Jared, in the process of growing up. Now back home from college, Jensen gets a chance he thought he'd lost forever.
Genre/Pairing: J2
Type of hurt : Abuse (emotional and physical), beaten, unconscious, emotional trauma
Why are you rec'ing this story? This is a hauntingly beautiful fic that shifts from Now and Then sections as we learn J2's history and how that then shapes their future. The power of what Jared's been through is crafted beautifully in the unsaid. The characters are complex and real, and it makes for a gripping read - please check it out, it won't disappoint!
Anything else we should know? Written for spn_reversebang. AO3 is available.

Title : The Patchwork Boy
Author : lennelle
Summary : Sam is left in the hospital following a dangerous hunt while John and Dean go back to finish the job. Despite his injuries, Sam goes after them when he realises they are in danger.
Genre/Pairing : SPN Gen.
Type of hurt : Hospitalized, blood loss, infection, illness, unconsciousness, pain.
Why are you rec'ing this story? Wonderfully written h/c, that features stubborn Sam leaving hospital to save his family after a hunt gone wrong. Told from Sam's POV, with plenty of hurt, in pain and groggy Sam - a must read for a hurt!Sam lover!
Anything else we should know? There's also a sequel set in Stanford era from Jess's POV: The Patchwork Boyfriend

Challenges etc

Plenty of goodies posted! And lots of prompts available to claim! :)

Featured Fic Recs:

Rec by madebyme_x

Title: Spirit of Winter's Chill
Author: jedisapphire
Summary: Sam and Dean are hunting Jack Frost. There’s one important piece of information they don’t have.
Genre/Pairing: Gen. Sam and Dean.
Type of hurt: Supernatural illness, gunshot and blood loss
Why are you rec'ing this story? A seasonal case fic, crammed with hurt!Sam, that sees him fighting to save his brother and vice versa. Like a side of hurt with your brotherly feels? Then this is the fic for you!
Anything else we should know? Written for the spn_j2_xmas exchange.

Recs by ayane42

Title: Mr. Fantasy (Ao3)
Author: pineapple fan
Summary: Being the youngest and, admittedly, the more reluctant son to his family's lifestyle, Sam often felt like he was a burden. But he was pretty sure this time took the cake.
Genre/Pairing: SPN Gen, Sam, Dean, John, Bobby
Type of hurt: angst, vomiting, nausea, hospitalization
Why are you rec'ing this story? Wonderfully angsty story of Sam getting sick and ending up in the hospital around Christmas!

Title: These Twists and Turns of Fate (AO3)
Author: envious ema
Summary: Jensen Ackles is a commercial fraud investigator. He has been hired by JDM who is concerned about the future of his company Morgan Inc. Jensen thought this would be another simple job of flushing out the mole but then, Jeff’s secretary, Jared Padalecki, walks in. Jared and Jensen spend a couple of months in a passionate relationship. Then Jared disappears without a trace, along with Jensen’s ten million dollars, nearly bankrupting Jensen’s company. Now Jensen is suspicious. Was Jared up to his old tricks again? And with everyone around him just looking out for themselves can Jensen really afford to trust anyone?
Genre/Pairing: RPF slash, Jared/Jensen
Type of hurt: Depression, crying, grief, angst
Why are you rec'ing this story? This was a great story!! Very compelling read. A clueless Jared, being suspected of something he didn't do while also hiding his own big secret!

Title: Needed (AO3)
Author: noobieninja
Summary: Dean is the eldest, Adam is the beloved little brother, and Sam is left to pick up the pieces of himself every time his family shatters him.
Genre/Pairing: SPN Gen, Sam, Dean, Adam, John, Bobby
Type of hurt: angst, suicidal thoughts
Why are you rec'ing this story? This was a heartbreaking story of Sam as the middle child in his hunting family and wanting out. Just so angst filled!!

Title: Symphony in Coffee Tones
Author: nahemaraxe
Summary: According to Jensen, Jared has two qualities. One, Jared is hot. The pants-dropping, wow sexy, yum baby yum kind of hot. Two, Jared is a terrible barista. Even if Jensen felt like being charitable and understanding and shit, ‘you’re kidding, right?’ would still be an accurate description of Jared’s skills.
Genre/Pairing: RPF slash, Jared/Jensen
Type of hurt: Amnesia, powers, touch healer, Hurt Jared, Protective Jensen, Hurt/Comfort
Why are you rec'ing this story? Just a wonderful angst-y story about Jared and Jensen in a coffee shop!!

Title: How to Get a Boyfriend 101 (AO3)
Author: whispered_story
Summary: Jared doesn't know how to flirt and his dating life is a disaster. Enter Jensen Ackles.
Genre/Pairing: RPF slash Jared/Jensen
Type of hurt: Angst, shy Jared, first time
Why are you rec'ing this story? wonderful story of awkwardly shy Jared trying to get a boyfriend!

Title: The Fifth One (AO3)
Author: siriala
Summary: Jared is only sixteen when he's forced into a union he never wanted with a much older man. Life as his fifth mate isn't exactly the stuff Jared's dreams were made of, but what choice does he have ? Is this really all that life has in store for him ?
Genre/Pairing: RPF slash, Jared/Julian Riching, Jared/Jensen
Type of hurt: Forced Marriage, dub-con, mpreg, minor character death
Why are you rec'ing this story? A wonderfully written story of young Jared forced into a marriage with an older man. Very angst-y and I loved it!!

Other Media:

Littlebro Tumblr:

nahemaraxe, recommends you take a look at these wonderful works: (titles by the complier)

Bloody Sam
Losing the Faith I Have Left
Dean stething Sam's breathing

I Promise I am Trying to get Home
I Crave the Ones
We Are Falling

Gif Sets:
You Good?
Instead of Choosing the World, You Chose Each Other

What's Else?

Want to make a rec but don't know how? If you're not sure about adding a rec to our theme pages just leave a link to the newsletter. Leave a reason for your rec and we can add it for you. :))

We are particularly keen to know about any vids, art or podfics. Self recs are always welcome! Let us know you're out there. ;)


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