Newsletter #57 for October 2015

Oct 26, 2015 18:14

Welcome to the spn_littlebro newsletter #57 for October 2015!

Show is back and wow! Lots of hurt!Sam to start the season off. :D Here's some more hurt for you to sink your teeth into:

Fevered Ramblings:

Who's Hurting Sam or Jared Lately?

Rec by ash48:

Title: Mindgate: Brothers In Arms
Author: madebyme_x
Summary: Jared's a secret agent with superpowers-at least he was, until he was kidnapped by The Movement and his memory wiped. Now it's Jensen's job to help Jared remember his powers so that they can both escape the General and his evil plans.
Genre/Pairing: AU J2, Sci-fi/military/superpowers.
Type of hurt: Kidnapping, pain, powers,
Why are you rec'ing this story? This is a fast paced, action adventure story featuring Jared and Jensen with super powers! The writing is tight and the characters are great fun. A must-read for lovers of this genre.
Anything else we should know? The art by becc_j is amazing also.

Recs by ayane42:

Title: The Metamorphisis
Author: waterbird13
Summary: The Darkness encloses a small town, leaving Sam, Dean, and the locals to fight their way out. Along the way, Sam and Dean have issues to sort out--namely, Sam and Dean both need to acknowledge the value of Sam's life.
Genre/Pairing: SPN Gen Sam, Dean
Type of hurt: mental abuse, discussions of abuse, temporary death
Why are you rec'ing this story? I enjoyed this story because it really delves into the situation between Dean and Sam that I felt was never fully fleshed out in the series. Dean's tricking Sam into being possessed by Gadreel, set after the Darkness comes. This is a great story!! Seriously, you must read!!!
Anything else we should know? On AO3 so can be downloaded.

Title: Blue Eye
Author: whereifellfromgrace
Summary: Prompt: Since birth, either Sam or Dean have dealt with major disability (blind, deaf, etc.) but by some miracle (perhaps supernatural) they are cured.”
Genre/Pairing: SPN Gen, Sam, Dean
Type of hurt: Deafness
Why are you rec'ing this story? This isn't a long story but it is a haunting look at Sammy and his deafness and his one blue eye. Just wow!

Rec by harrigan:

Title: Blue Thunder
Author: zara_zee
Summary: Jensen Ackles is an LAPD helicopter pilot. He’s also a cynical, troubled Vietnam veteran whose flashbacks and reckless ways mean he’s churning through partners too fast to count. Nobody wants to work with him anymore. Jared Padalecki is a young, idealistic police officer and due for his first promotion. He’s also an Out gay man at a time when the AIDS virus has just started to make headline news. He’s endured endless homophobic taunts and had other officers refuse to provide him with backup. Nobody wants to work with him.

When Jared is assigned to be Jensen’s new Observer, they're not sure which of them the partnership is supposed to be punishing, but the pair soon discover that they make a great team. And Jared thinks they could be something more if Jensen ever ventured out of the closet long enough for something more than a one night stand with a stranger. When they’re selected to test pilot a state-of-the-art combat helicopter with cutting-edge surveillance capabilities, the pair unwittingly stumbles on sinister information about the government’s plans for the new helicopter. And suddenly, they’re not just fighting for their careers; they're fighting for their lives.

Genre/Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Type of hurt: concussion, mild torture, broken.bones
Why are you rec'ing this story? Non-stop action and a very believable portrayal of the anti-cop, anti-gay sentiment of the 80's. (No cell phones!) If you've been craving a *long* J2AU with some hurt!Jared, check this out!
Anything else we should know? written for spn_cinema, wordcount over 48K, download available on AO3 here. Bonus, colorful graphic-novel-style art by cassiopeia7 here.

Rec by madebyme_x:

Title: Secondary Victims
Author: K Hanna Korossy
Summary: Man's Best Friend With Benefits tag story: Fraternal trust and anger issues are no match for a vengeful ghost's trial.
Genre/Pairing: Gen. PG13.
Type of hurt: Lacerations, cuts, blood loss, loss of consciousness, reference to hospitalization.
Why are you rec'ing this story? A season 8 fix-it h/c fic from a classic h/c and casefic writer. There's plenty of hurt!Sam, and care-giving Dean, and a wickedly awesome vengeful ghost who has a painful trial for Sam. A must read for a hurt!Sam lover!

Featured Fic Recs:

Rec by ayane42:

Title: Occam's Razor
Author: cosmic_medusa
Summary: (Prompt:) "John Winchester kept two journals. Neither Sam nor Dean ever knew about the secret journal: the coded one that had everything John knew or suspected about Sam, himself. Tell the AU tale of teen!Sam coming across this other journal and decoding enough to realize what his Dad suspects."
Genre/Pairing: gen
Type of hurt: psychic damage (trauma, nightmares, temporary loss of language and other basic abilities)
Why are you rec'ing this story? This story was originally recc-d by vail_kagami on the theme thread. She says: A very well written chapter fic with some mean cliffhangers. All canon characters are portrayed in-character and sympathetic, even if John sometimes deserves a good kick in the rear. His conflict is described so well, howerver, that it's impossible not to feel sorry for him. Dean's very protective and caring, and Sam is delightfully smart and brave in the face of an intolerable situation. ayane42 adds "This is an awesome story about young Sam, his demon blood and John's obsession with finding Mary's killer and how it impacts Sam's life. A riveting story with hurt Sammy and big brother Dean.

Title: Traces
Author: Freya922
Summary : In 1978 Anna failed to erase Sam Winchester from the future, but the past is a very big place…. What if the angels tried again?
Genre/Pairing: Gen/WeeSam/WeeDean
Type of hurt: stabbing, broken bones, infection, death (although not a death fic, per se)
Why are you rec'ing this story? Originally recc'd by scullspeare. She says, "This is the first fic by an avid reader/reviewer of SPN fanfic and it’s wonderful; definitely worth a look see. It’s canon-based and offers some lovely exploration of the relationship between young Sam and Dean, especially the life events which fuel Dean’s protective streak. Makes use canon and original characters to offer further insights into the brothers. My personal favourite: a gorgeously bittersweet passage which answers Sam’s canon question, “Why don’t we have a mom?” ayane42 adds "Awesome story that follows canon and shows hurt, dying Sam saved by Castiel. Definitely a must read!"

Rec by madebyme_x:

Title: Turning the Tables
Author: carocali
Summary: Dean is injured after a simple hunt goes wrong, leaving Sam to fend for them both. Desperate for a way to care for Dean, Sam channels his 'inner hustler' to get some much needed cash.
Genre/Pairing: Gen. Sam and Dean
Type of hurt: Bar fight, bruising, head injury, blood
Why are you rec'ing this story? A hidden gem! This is old school and sees an early season Sam hustle pool in a bar while Dean is injured. Not only is there plenty of lovely hurt!Sam, but there's also smart/capable!Sam and badass bar fight Sam, as we see him beat the odds. Some lovely brother moments too.
Anything else we should know? Bonus side of hurt!Dean!

Rec by harrigan:

Title: We Walk the Same Line
Author: poisontaster
Summary: written for the first Sweet Charity auction for this prompt: "gen, Sam, orthopedic trauma: I would love a fic where Dean sees for himself that no matter what he thinks, Sam does believe that Dean's life has value - and has as much as his own does."
Genre/Pairing: SPN gen
Type of hurt: broken leg
Why are you rec'ing this story? I love this author's writing style. She captures Dean's inner voice and the banter brilliantly, the storytelling uses an intriguing non-linear style, her descriptions are creepy-perfect, and what can I say? She *nails* the prompt.
Anything else we should know? Requested and written during season 1. (Whoa! That's a long time ago!) 8K. Podfic by twasadark is also available.

Other Media:


Recs by nahemaraxe from our spnlittlebro tumblr (Hint: if you are having trouble seeing the image add /mobile to the URL for plain text page).

Sam Winchester Graphic by Blue Eyed Angel
Journal of a Man of Letters: Sam Winchester's Journal Entry #107 and Journal Entry #108 by Petite Madam

Music video:

Rec by reggie11:

Title: Sam Winchester "I'm not clean"
Artist: Alina0405video
Genre: Gen. character study.
Why am I rec'ing this? A heartbreaking look at how and why Sam feels unworthy and unclean. How evil was always knocking at Sam's door but he kept pushing back against it. ash48 adds, "This is seamlessly edited and masterfully constructed. Truly beautiful vidding".


From poisontaster's story above, twasadark has produced a Podfic: We Walk the Same Line. The summary suggests: Dean and a badly-injured Sam are lost in a maze of caves ... and so is a big, bad monster.

What's Else?

Sometimes the most difficult thing when making a rec to spn_littlebro is deciding which theme to post it in. Our themes include:

Psychological Trauma

When you click on each theme there is a handy list of the "types of hurt" each theme could include. If you would like to make a rec and are still not sure what theme to post it to, please feel free to contact a mod.

We also have a special thread for Authors. If you specialise in writing hurt!Sam or hurt!Jared fic please consider adding your name and works to the thread.

Be sure to check out our Delicious account for all the recs we've made to date. 1175 and counting!


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