Newsletter #44 (September)

Sep 21, 2014 17:54

Welcome to the spn_littlebro newsletter #44 for September 2014!

Only 17 days to go before we have new Supernatural episodes (and 15 day until the retrospective)! I have a feeling we're in for lots of hurt!Sam in S10 (pretty much like every season! *g*), so let's hope it inspires fans to produce some more wonderful works. In the meantime, our mods have been busy reading and discovering some hurt!Sam or hurt!Jared works that you might have missed.

Fevered Ramblings:

Who's Hurting Sam or Jared Lately?
  • ayane42 recommends you check out Life, Underwater by wastetheyears. Summary: Despite the demands of swimming for their university, Jensen and Jared have a solid relationship built on half a lifetime of friendship. The last thing either of them expected was to have their perfect life together cut short by a tragic accident, leaving Jensen dead and Jared drowning in grief. In the midst of his despair, however, Jared soon realizes that everything is not as it seems. Another shocking revelation leaves Jared speechless and grasping to salvage the life he thought had become forever out of reach. ayane42 says, "the grief that Jared feels is so thoroughly communicated from this author I found it hard to breathe while reading about Jared's grief at losing the love of his life." The art by dollarformyname is absolutely gorgeous. The story is available to download here.
  • cherry916 has enjoyed Red by themegalosaurus. Summary: While filming for the scene in Season 10 where Sam hurts his shoulder, Jared's real-life injury causes problems. This is a Non-AU J2 fic. cherry916 says, "this is a rather short fic that sprang to life due to Jared's shoulder injury. This has schmoop/HC to boot, including the angst that goes along with it. In this fic Jared and Jensen are together and 'red' is a code word that uses when Jensen goes a bit too far in a scene. For such a short thing, I really do wish there was more." It's posted at AO3, so it's also available to download.
  • ayane42 has been thoroughly enjoying a WIP called Count On Me by Heavenlea6292. Summary: Sam Winchester liked to count, because numbers were one of the only two things in his life that stayed the same. ayane42 says, "I don't know how I found this story, but it is an incredible story! It is a WIP but is being updated regularly. The story is very intense. Featuring a wee Sam with a penchant for counting. This pisses off John, but Dean fully understands Sam. 43 chapters and counting, this story is full of hurt and angst and scares, but also the love between Sam and Dean!! Definitely a must read!!" This fic has been posted at AO3 so it's available to download.
  • If you'd liked to read some classic Sam whump then ash48 suggests you take a look at Old Scars, New Wounds by Cindy123. ash48 says, "Cindy is great at whumping poor Sam and after a break from writing she's back! John and Dean are off on a hunt and teen Sam ends up in all sorts of trouble". This fic features torture, so it might not be for everyone.
  • reggie11 has discovered a story that appears to mostly feature hurt!Dean, but she assures us that Sam suffers just as much as Dean (if not more). It's Journal of a Caregiver by lylithj2. Summary: Dean serves as the vessel for Michael and suffers the consequences. Sam cares for him and helps him heal from serious brain injury. This is a Sam/Dean fic and contains some strong theme (be sure to check the warnings). She says, "the story is told through Sam's eyes and is just so heartbreaking, you'll be crying for both boys. Once I began reading I had to finish it in one sitting.
  • reggie11 would also like to draw your attention to ashtraythief's Like A Bee on A Window. Summary: Omegas are kept by Alpha/Beta couples to keep house and bear children. Jared was raised in a liberal family with only his alpha father and an omega mother, who were equals in their relationship, but they died when Jared was sixteen. Jared is placed with an alpha/beta couple but when he gets pregnant it’s the last straw to help him gather the courage to escape from his abusive alpha. He escapes only to run straight into alpha Jensen’s arms. reggie11 warns that "this is a dark!fic with lashings of hurt!Jared. It's not an easy read but it is a very good one." She says, "If you like happy endings then this might not be the story for you. This is set in a dystopian world where a huge number of the population are treated abysmally. There is no 'happy' fix for this, although Jared does end up a little better off than he could have ended up. Includes some underage sex". This is available to download for your e-reader.

Featured Fic Recs:
  • cherry916 has a classic hurt!Sam fic to rec this month. Most hurt!Sam fans will be very well aware of Rachelly's Ambush. But if not, it's a must read for fans who love Sam in lots peril and Dean being an awesome big brother. Summary: Dean and Sam run into serious trouble when hunters gang together and make Sam their prey, and Dean, his only hope. She says, "I don't think we've featured this beauty of a fic. Written in 2007 this fic has become a sort of legend in the hurt!Sam fandom. It has 29 chapters of hurt!Sam goodness with Dean along for the ride. Set in early season 2, this focuses on other hunters going after Sam. I fondly remember reading this when I first started fandom and I will say, till this day, this remains my absolute favorite. Rachelly has a way with words that is simply unique and amazing. Do yourself a favor if you haven't, read this fic!
  • ayane42 also has a classic hurt!Sam fic to rec. Growing Pains by rozzy07 Summary: 15 year old Sam faces another move, another battle with his dad, and the neglect that surfaces when Dean isn't around to be the buffer between them. Limp Sam to come, and whumpage for Papa Winchester and Dean too! ayane42 says, "this was one of the first fanfictions that I read when I first discovered Supernatural and it's still one of my favorites to this day. Full of wee Sam angst and hurt, it's just wonderful".
  • reggie11 highly recommends a story that she can't believe has virtually gone unnoticed by fandom. It's The Boogeyman by caladrius75. Summary: When Sam was 9-years-old, something stalked him nightly from the closet. His father put a gun into his hand and told him to face his fears and take action. Will Dean be able to save his little brother from the ghost of that first traumatic mission 14 years later? This is a coming of age story about a time that changed both brothers, and tackles unresolved issues both have with the father who drew them down this path. It's a journey that pans back and forth from the time Sam was nine through the events of Season 2 until just before the season finale. It's a Gen story and reggie11 says, "this is now one of my favorite fanfics ever. The tension is nailbiting, the monsters horrific, and even though it's partially AU, it's woven beautifully with canon. The character voices are so good you can just about hear them. I'd love to have seen this done as a couple of episodes on the show. Horror and excellent writing at its finest."

Other Media:
  • GIFs, picspams, etc.: Keep your eye on the constantly updated spnlittlebro tumblr for more great hurt!Sam discoveries! You will find such delights as this, this and this!
  • art: cherry916 suggests you take a look at Unsettling thoughts by donspeaksilent on Deviantart. She says, "this is a beautiful pencil sketch over watercolors that shows Sam during Bobby's death. I think the muted, light colors really accentuate Sam's haunted eyes as he looks forward."
  • art: reggie11 recommends this "Lovely pencil drawing of an unconscious Sam". Don't Make Me Lick Your Damn Face by Maidenskull at DeviantArt. Be sure to check out this artist's other work too. It's fantastic!
  • art: ash48 absolutely loves becc_j's Fire and Gold. She says, "this is a beautifully painted piece, with rich colours and textures. It features firefighter!Jensen saving hurt!Jared (*guh*). This is part of the fabulous challenge artpaperscissor.

  • e-Reader Stories that are available for downloading are now mentioned at the end of the specific rec.

What's New?

If you discover any hurt!Sam or hurt!Jared be sure to let our members know about them. You can rec them on our themed posts right here at spn_littlebro


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