newsletter #28 (May 2013)

May 10, 2013 20:13

Welcome to the spn_littlebro newsletter #28 for May 2013!

Fevered Ramblings:

All that glorious Sam h/c on our screens is inspiring, isn't it! So here, have a boatload of recs to help you recover from the finale and survive those h/c cravings until we get season 9....

Who's Hurting Sam or Jared Lately?
  • Tender is classic K-Hanna-Korossy. Summary: Post-Purgatory, Dean's not sure how to be there for Sam anymore...or if Sam even wants him to be. Just under 3K, this SPN gen fic "gives us Dean sitting beside a concussed Sam in the ER," harrigan says, "and her writing makes the tension of early season 8 just a little less painful for us to bear."

  • harrigan also admits to having a soft spot in her heart for future fics. A new one that even exceeded her hopes is The Lucky Ones by kettle-o-fish. Summary: Dean always thought John Winchester was the lucky one. It's a short (around 2K) SPN gen fic that imagines the boys after the trials are over... what the hunting universe is like then, and as both Sam and Dean have grown physically more and more unable to go out in the field anymore. It's told in second person, which can be tricky to pull off, but in this case, it works like a charm. Two thumbs up!
  • cherry916 is enthused right now about No One Hurts Our Boy by dont-hate-me01. Summary: Jared is in an abusive relationship but hides it well, Jensen and the other supernatural cast are starting to realize something is wrong with Jared around set. Things come to a head at a supernatural convention with all the supernatural family there. It's NC17, over 17K, and Cherry says, "This is another great story from her. A look at Jared stuck in an abusive relationship with Kerr Smith (and it makes me giggle that he always seems to be the villain). It features our resident CW boys and the like, as well as JDM, all who are concerned and protective over Jared. What I love the most about this is Jared is very strong throughout, and sticks up for himself when he realizes he has love and support from Jensen and his friends."
  • Peeking at the summaries from the 2013 spn_j2_bigbang, it looks like lots of hurt!Sam and hurt!Jared are coming our way in epic 20K+ stories this summer! Stay tuned; they start posting in June. \o/
And don't forget the annual Sam's birthday bash over at ohsam! "The challenge? Produce fanworks of any kind featuring Sam-centered hurt/comfort on the theme of birthdays. It can be about Sam's birthday, or anyone else's birthday, so long as you make Sam suffer for it. ;) There is NO LIMIT to what you can produce. No minimum or maximum wordcount for fic, and we encourage all our artists/podficcers/vidders/other talented fandom folk to go crazy." There's plenty of awesome stuff already posted to celebrate. Go read, or get inspired and start something yourself! More details here:

Featured Fic Recs:
  • Birthday Boy by skag_trendy is a 5K SPN gen fic about... Dean's birthday! Summary: Sam tries to do something nice for his brother's birthday. But, of course, it's bound to backfire on him.. cherry916 says, "Seems sort of fitting for Sam's birthday month, even though this story is about Dean's. I love Skag's ability to write guilty!Dean and hurt!Sam so well. She really knows how to create wounds and make them deep, squeezing out every drop of angst she possibly can. This story definitely doesn't differ from her usual, and hey--we all need to wallow in the guilty/hurt!Sam feels."
  • For the mpreg fans, cherry916 also recs Time for Us by choccyprofit. This is a J2AU, NC17, 14K fic from 2009. Summary: Jensen’s a busy actor. Jared would describe him as a workaholic. Jared hardly sees his husband these days, except over the top of a script, and he’s starting to feel pretty lonely. But will a vacation at a friend’s ranch bring about a change in the erstwhile Ackles, especially when Jared is seriously injured in a shooting incident? "This is a classic from choccy, filled with steamy sex scenes, the boys' love for one another, and of course that patented angst we've all come to welcome and love. Jensen's and Jared's miscommunication lead to issues between them, and it all comes to a head when Jared is injured," cherry916 says. "Or the story of how Jensen realized how stupid he has been and will beg on his hands and knees for Jared back."
  • ayane42 has an SPN gen and a J2AU for us this month. First up, House of Burden, an epic 78K fic from 2007, by Maygin. Summary: Within its walls lives a family that has never been touched by hate, fire or the Supernatural… but for one. Our reccer says, "This story is such a unique take on the 'family business'. Only Sammy knows what's out there and he goes it alone. A very exciting and compelling story and I really felt for Sam, being so young and having all that responsibility on his shoulders and with no one in his family to turn to."
  • Her J2AU rec this month is In These Hills, a 9K fic by tipsy-kitty. Summary: Jared was abandoned to the mercy of the Cummings family when he was only 12, and spent the next few years toiling as their slave. Can his guardian dragon Jensen finally help him escape and find a real home? ayane42 says, "This is a wonderfully sweet story based on a Disney film 'Pete's Dragon'. Jensen as the Guardian dragon and Jared as the young abused boy. A heroic and romantic adventure!!"
  • Check out the podfic recs below. We've got links to the text versions too.
Other Media:
  • art: In honor of Sam's birthday month, let's lead off with Hey Cas, have you seen Sam? by randomslasher on tumbler. ash48 says "As well as being adorable, this comic tugs at the heart strings. This artist draws sad, wooby Sam so well. Check out the artist's tumblr for similar art works."
  • art: The same artist has a couple great comics along the theme of "Dean defends Sam against fan comments". Check out I hear some of you have got a problem with my baby brother and Okay, I see we need to have another little chat. Ash says "This is a perfect way to break the fourth wall and reach out to fans who hurt Sam with their negative comments. It's a gentle style that gets to the point. I love how fiercely protective Dean is. After all, when you hurt Sam you hurt Dean."
  • art: I'm fine by lousysharkbutt is clearly inspired by recent episodes, and cherry916 says "This is single-handedly the most adorable thing I have ever seen in my life. Which I never say about grown men, but I think Sam is a special exception. I think this optimizes the quintessential grumpy, fussy little brother trying to convince Dean that he's fine when we all know he can't lie worth a crap."
  • podfic: Everything I Want Is Nothing But You read by chemm80. Written by mickeym and available in text here. Summary: He swore last winter he wasn't going to trick any more, but it's hard to pay the rent on just tending bar. Sam/Dean AU, available in mp3, audiobook or streaming formats. harrigan says that chemm80 always brings the goods when reading podfic, and this is no exception!
  • podfic: Periphery by hiyacynth is an SPN het (Sam/Jess) angstorama from 2008, nearly 20K. Summary: Sam doesn't remember making a wish in the warehouse, just stumbling backwards, the djinn catching him by the front of his shirt and holding him in that unstable, wrong-direction lean over the long flight of stairs. But he remembers a look of satisfaction and peace on the tattooed face and a whisper that almost glowed: "I see your heart." ayane42 says "I heard this story first as a podfic, and wow, punch right to the gut! A wish from the djinn for Sam is a roller coaster ride. He has everything he wants, John and Mary still alive, Dean and Jess as well, but then the unthinkable happens and Sam will do anything to fix it. Filled with wonderful emotion and angst. This author is incredible in her portrayal of Sam." The podfic, read by baylorsr, is available as part of a four-story anthology here or here. The clarity of the recording is perfect for listening to, the pacing feels just right, never drags, and the use of music in the podfic is always a plus!
  • music videos: The Taste of Grave in the Mouth by secretlytodream (aka Loki) is "a stunning character study of Sam Winchester. It captures the journey he has taken to saying yes to Lucifer and reaching his final "destiny" It's a beautifully constructed, mesmerizing artwork. Loki matches images, effects and audio seamlessly. It will make your heart both ache and sing for Sam," according to ash48. "Watch it!"
  • eBooks, etc.: No One Hurts Our Boy, rec'd above, is available in downloadable formats here!
  • eBooks, etc.: In These Hills, also rec'd above, is available in downloadable formats here.

Anything else?

There's definitely still time to come play here!

spn_littlebro Discussion Meme! Come join in the hurt!Sam fun!


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