newsletter #27 (Apr 2013)

Apr 15, 2013 19:06

Welcome to the spn_littlebro newsletter #27 for April 2013!

Fevered Ramblings:

Oooohh... these trials have us hurt!Sam fans quivering in excitement, don't they! Here's hoping we get lots of fic (or art or videos) to wallow in as a result! In anticipation of all the goodies, we'd like to welcome ayane42 to our team of reccers. \o/

(Don't forget - anyone can rec a hurt!Sam or hurt!Jared work to our theme posts at spn_littlebro. Self-recs are A-OK too!)

Now, have some recs from your mods to tide us over till new episodes April 24!

Who's Hurting Sam or Jared Lately?
  • harrigan has a new fic to rec for those 'gencest' lovers among us: General Soothing by callistosh65, who says, "Have some unashamed schmoop heavily disguised as a coda to that lovely, lovely tag in 8.17, Goodbye Stranger." It's Sam/Dean, just under 2K, and harrigan says, "I really liked how she explored Sam's promise to tell the truth about his physical decline with the ramifications: Dean kicks into protective big-brother mode. Not in an 'I'd die for you' way, but in an 'I'll treat you like you're four years old again, and it's my job to wrap you in a warm blanket and yet tease you mercilessly' way. I've missed that!"

  • cherry916 is back from trolling the caves of with a new SPN gen story just under 5K: Rude Awakening by Marianna-Morgan. Summary: Post 8x16 - Sam coughed again, tasting the bitter tang of copper in his mouth, and then wiped his lips; the gesture too familiar as he had tried to keep this hidden from Dean over the past few weeks. And now the secret was out. But apparently the secret was worse than even Sam had known because the coughing had never been this bad; the blood had never been this much. cherry916 says, "Marianna is always spot on and fast with her fic and this one is definitely no different. A fic we have ALL been waiting for that addresses Sam's sudden symptom of coughing up blood and Dean's distress over not being able to help. Throughout this fic Sam's coughing A LOT of blood, which freaks him out, and all Dean can offer is his support and comfort."
  • "It's April!" says tarotgal. "And that means it's time for another SPN meme from tg! I hope you join me again for this one." Head on over to the Super-sneezy Supernatural Meme II, leave some sick!Sam prompts, fill some others, and enjoy the bounty!

Featured Fic Recs:
  • cherry916 has a hurt!Jared to feature this month: Out of Sight by bad-peppermint. Summary (from a prompt): Jared and Jensen's kid wants to find the perfect Christmas present for his blind dad. Kid!fic, blind!Jared, AU. This is "a heartwarming story told entirely from Jared's son POV about wanting to get his dad the perfect Christmas present," cherry916 says. "It'll tug at your heartstrings, seeing such love and devotion between the son and father."
  • For a little 1K SPN gen classic, from 2006, cherry916 offers up Fever by geminigrl11. Summary: Sam has not improved, and now the fever affects all three equally, one with frailty and two with fear. cherry916 calls this "an old gem that proposes the interesting dynamic between John, Dean and Sam. It gives us a glimpse of how they all react when Sam is violently ill. It's told from John's POV, which offer amazing insight, and also gives us an outsider's sort of look at Sam and Dean's interactions."
  • Our new reccer ayane42 has selected three personal favorites to feature this month:
    • Dictionary for a Dead Language is a 22K Sam/Dean NC17 fest of psychological trauma, limp!Sam, confused!Sam, post vessel!Sam, and comatose Sam by britomart-is. Summary: Under mysterious circumstances bitterly disputed by the historians, Sam Winchester said yes to Lucifer. Three years later, Lucifer is gone and the familiar landscape that the Winchesters once traversed is a burnt-out ruin of its former self - not to mention the damage done to Lucifer's vessel. Trapped in a grotesque parody of domestic bliss with a brother he no longer recognizes, a shell-shocked Dean has no reason to believe that happy endings exist for men like the Winchesters. ayane42 says, "I remember when I first read this story how bleak everything seemed, the landscape, the people... very realistic for a post-Apocalyptic world. Just a perfect story of the aftermath of Sam saying yes, and the struggles that both Sam and Dean go through to get back to a sort of happy ending."
    • This Little Corner of Heaven by choccyprofit is over 25K of J2AU. Summary: Dr Jensen Ackles is a lonely widower and workaholic who has little sympathy for the homeless. So when Jared, the young homeless kid who broke into his house last night, shows up in the ER, sick and critically injured, will the good doctor bring his work home with him? Our reccer says, "This is a story with lots of hurt Jared: homeless, then attacked, but then rescued by Jensen - who has his own ghosts to deal with. Together they figure it out." (Do check the warnings.)
    • A Life Dismantled by 4422shini rounds out her fic recs this month. Summary: Gen, wee!chesters. Sometime before Sam learns the truth, he gets kidnapped/menaced and hurt by a human-looking monster. John rescues him in bad-ass hunting mode, dispatching the creature violently. Sammy ends up traumatized by the ordeal, and frightened of his father. ayane42 says it's got child abuse, trauma, shoulder dislocation, angst, and "for me this was a frightening story, told from wee Sam's viewpoint of what's happening: scary, haunting, not a happy ending."
Other Media:
  • art: The Safest Place in the World by resophere is a real treat! cherry916 says, "I love all the detail in this; it really does look like Bobby's house. Of course, these are really Sam and Dean, broken and bloodied, but as you can see even injured himself Dean hangs his arm down to brush his hands against Sam's. Even in sleep, Dean's duties are never over."
  • art: We're so lucky to have quickreaver in our fandom! Just wallow in her recent illustration to the freac camp 'verse (embedded in chapter 22). ayane42 says "I don't know how many of you have read or are reading it, but this has to do with a scene from that chapter. Sam doesn't necessarily look hurt in this image except for the smiley face on his arm, which is the result of a really horrific scene from an earlier chapter: cigarette burns given to him by the guards in freac_camp."
  • art: ayane2 has found another gorgeous piece of work: Jensen and young Jared by Lismar. Our reccer says, "This is just the most beautiful picture I've seen. It's not connected to a fiction, but just from the image I can see Jensen comforting Jared after something that has made him sad: that faraway look in his eyes... Sigh. Just like after a nightmare or discovering something that has him deep in thought."
  • podfic: Here's the amazing 2-1/4 hour Bay of Fire podfic. (The 25K SPN gen story, by scullspeare can be found here.) Summary: A hunt to destroy a vengeful ghost ship leaves the brothers stranded in the cold Atlantic, fighting to survive. "This is an intriguing case fic that finds the boys in, quite literally, deep water. The boys have to rely on each other to stay alive during their watery ordeal. They take turns being strong in order to keep the other one fighting for his life. It's wonderful hurt/comfort. It also features a good dose of hurt!Dean," says ash48. "It's a rare treat to find long (over 2 hours), engaging hurt!Sam podfics. This is well read by boom_queen."
  • music videos: ash48 has found a rare hurt!Jared AU music video - woot! Blue Monday by superkitte. Ash says, "This is a fantastic constructed reality (AU) vid. It tells the story of Jared traveling around the country on his motorbike. He meets Jensen and then - well, you'll just have to watch it to find out what happens next. Let's just say Jared's in trouble. The vidder using a variety of source material and seamlessly matches it together to create a tense and engaging new story. I highly recommend it."
  • eBooks, etc.: Check out Out of Sight, rec'd above!


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