Hiatus friending meme!

Aug 02, 2012 20:28

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dont_hate_me01 August 2 2012, 15:03:37 UTC
When did you become a SPN fan: About 2009. I managed to catch an episode of Season 1 when it aired here with us in South Africa and immediately I went out, got the DVDs and from there I was hooked!
Do you have a preference of gen, het, slash stories: Love reading both gen and slash stories, but I write mainly slash myself.
Spoilerphobe? Yes!!! Episode 7.10 just aired here with us, but unfortunately I know what happens next because of spoilers and that saddens me a lot.
What kind of hurt!Sam would you like to see in S8: Any kind of hurt, as long as big brother Dean is there to take care and look after Sam.
If the internet was to disappear today and you only had the chance to save one fan fiction (or one author), which (who) would it be? Can I wish for a miracle that something like that would never happen!!! I would be at a lost on what to choose.
All time favorite episode: Must be Bloody Mary, only because it's Sam's first real physical hurt.
Anything else you want to share? Anyone is welcome to friend me, I love making friends ( ... )


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dont_hate_me01 August 2 2012, 15:22:15 UTC
It's popular, but the following is not as huge as in USA or even in some of the other European countries. I know of a few fans who's also into the fanfiction side of things and who also went to conventions.


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dont_hate_me01 August 3 2012, 16:05:32 UTC
I must say season 1, loved the monsters and creepy things! :-) What's your favorite season?


vanaynay67 August 16 2012, 00:30:48 UTC
OMG I remember you from sinfuldesires! Yo were so nice and wcrote tht awesome controversial story! I didnt know u lived in s. Africa? Have you always lived there? We should b friends!!!!!!!!


dont_hate_me01 August 16 2012, 16:51:44 UTC
Friends for sure!! Will never say no to another friend. I've been born in South Africa, it's the only place I will ever call home.


vanaynay67 August 16 2012, 18:37:56 UTC
Added you!!!


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