July 2012

Jul 01, 2012 12:02

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Comments 24

lilithrain July 2 2012, 08:14:44 UTC
Can I...I don't know if this would be valid...but I've been working on some Sam with Dean and Cas in Purgatory. For someone else's prompt with Dean and Cas in Purgatory. Well, I have or had some ink bingo prompts that I felt were worthy of this, strangeness. So I couldn't leave Sammy behind so I included him in some topside fics? Could I include those topside fics here?

Also I have, as part of someone else's hurtSam prompt, some nasty stuff with Raphael. That one is a three parter. Could that one be posted here too?


harrigan July 2 2012, 11:49:49 UTC
Thanks for asking! First of all, are the works finished yet? (We only take completed works but if they aren't finished, you can come back and self-rec when they are!)

Secondly, the work must feature hurt!Sam. Can you tell us a little more about the 'type of hurt' you put Sam through? (For ideas you can check our hurt tags at our library of hurt on delicious. You just find the tags (by alpha) at the right and scroll down thru the h= to find the types of hurt we have.) Here's a screen cap of the page, but we have hundreds of types of hurt - you can scroll to see more. Or offer a new one; these just give you ideas.)

... )


madebyme_x July 3 2012, 16:46:17 UTC
I'm biting the bullet and doing some self-reccing, so Harrigan, I'll self-rec if you will!?!

Here are three of my fics that I think will qualify:

- Blind Faith http://madebyme-x.livejournal.com/2975.html#cutid1. This should go in the injured theme and features Sam with a nasty open fracture!
- Hot Blooded http://madebyme-x.livejournal.com/1926.html#cutid1. I think this belong in the illness theme and features Jess and a supernaturally sick Sam!
- MIA http://madebyme-x.livejournal.com/1108.html#cutid1. I think this belongs in the injured theme and is an outsider POV that features a missing and injured Sam with a side of stressed out big-bro Dean!

I hope this is what you're looking for but if you need anything else please let me know! Take care, :)


harrigan July 4 2012, 23:14:54 UTC
This is a perfect example of what we're looking for! I'll get them added this week -- thanks!


mentholpixie July 4 2012, 07:27:48 UTC
Hey, I was thinking of rec'ing 'And Arbitrary Blackness Gallops In', seeing as it's the sequel to And All The World Drops Dead which has been rec'ed here... but I cannot figure out which theme it should be posted in. Abuse doesn't seem right, as it's the recovery from abuse... Injury has the same problem... Psychological Trauma maybe?


harrigan July 4 2012, 14:02:17 UTC
It can be tricky, huh?! I think Psychological Trauma would be fine!


Self Rec Month! livejournal July 7 2012, 03:25:05 UTC
User ash48 referenced to your post from Self Rec Month! saying: [...] [...]


borgmama1of5 July 7 2012, 04:54:12 UTC
Perhaps someone would be interested in these:
Fake Identity
John takes Teen!Sam to question witnesses when Dean is too hurt to help.

No Such Thing as a Night Off
Dean wants to take a night's break...but Sam finds another case (hurt!Sam)

Menage a Trois
A witch causes psychological trauma.

Smokin' Holes Where My Memory Used to Be
Two men with no memories of who they are or that they have a brother...


harrigan July 7 2012, 14:10:23 UTC
We'd *love* to add these to our archives--I know readers will enjoy them. Could you just let me know what theme (Illness, Injury, Psychological Trauma, Abuse, Wee!Sam or Other) each should be logged under, and for each, what type of hurt to tag them with? (See earlier comments for more details on that.)

That's all I need, and I'll get them added ASAP--thanks!


borgmama1of5 July 7 2012, 14:56:47 UTC
Ah, I see you get very specific :)

Fake Identity--Wee!Sam(teenager)--puncture wounds, anxiety, guilt
No Such Thing as a Night Off--Injury--season 1, casefic, concussion, broken ribs
Menage a Trois--Psychological Trauma--non-con, emotional trauma, could be considered wincest (note about this one: it is Dean POV, but Sam's trauma comes at the end)
Smokin' Holes Where My Memory Used to Be--Psychological Trauma--season 2, amnesia, psychic pain

Hope I provided enough details :) Thanks!


harrigan July 7 2012, 15:52:37 UTC
That's exactly what I needed--thanks! I'll fill out the theme templates (which is why I needed to know which theme), and another mod then enters them into our archive on delicious. With the 'type of hurt' tags, if someone is in the mood for a nice amnesia fic, for example, your Smokin' Holes fic will pop up!



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