more places to find our recs

May 30, 2012 16:54

Can you believe it? spn_littlebro is having a birthday - our first! To celebrate, we are announcing two more places you can find our hurt!Sam or hurt!Jared recs! (And if LJ ever has temporary performance problems in the future, you now have other places to find our recs!)
We've created a new community on called Spn_littlebro: a hurt!Sam community! This is intended to help fans who like to surf to find the stories there that have been rec'd by y'all here at spn_littlebro. (And is sweet because you can subscribe to a community and be notified when new entries are added.)

AO3 (Archive of Our Own)
We've also created a new collection on AO3 called SPN_littlebro. This is intended to... Right! Help fans who like to surf AO3 to find the stories there that have been rec'd by y'all here at spn_littlebro. (AO3 is awesome because fics can be downloaded in various eReader formats. It also supports tags for word count and other useful info to make for more flexible searching.)

What do you have to do?
  • If you're a writer who has had a fic rec'd at spn_littlebro, and that story is on AO3, please consider adding it to the SPN_littlebro collection there. Only the author can do that, but it's not hard. Just edit your fic there to fill in the Post to Collection text box with 'SPN_littlebro'. (It's case sensitive. Uppercase SPN and the rest in lower case.) That's all you need to do, and then folks searching AO3 for fics that we've rec'd will find yours!!

    (Not sure if/which of your fic has been rec'd? Just go to our library of hurt on delicious and select Tag Bundles and then authors A-B (or whatever letter range your pen name falls in) from the tag bundles on the right. The page will be updated to show a cloud of entries that say w=pen name. If you see your name there, select it to get a list of your fic that's been rec'd so far.)

    If your story has been posted to, our spn_littlebro team can add it to the collection there ourselves (unlike AO3). We've updated it with all the stories we could, but if the original rec here wasn't to your link, and your pen name is different, just comment here with a link to your profile on and we'll be happy to add your rec'd fics to our collection there.

    Going forward, if you have a fic rec'd at spn_littlebro, we'll let you know, and invite you to add it to the AO3 collection if you have a copy posted there, and ask you to tell us if it's at under a different pen name, so we can add it to our community there.

  • If you're a reader, you don't have to do anything unless you want to. You can browse or subscribe to Spn_littlebro: a hurt!Sam community on any time now if you're a reader there. On AO3, you can browse SPN_littlebro, but they don't appear to offer subscriptions to collections, the way they do to individual authors. Our community is fairly complete, but the AO3 collection will be growing over time as more authors identify their works.

To clarify, these two collections will not contain any fics that haven't been rec'd at spn_littlebro first. All rec'd fics are automatically added to our our library of hurt on delicious with the story link provided by the person making the recommendation. Our goal here is simply to help users of and AO3 find stories specifically posted at those sites more easily.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment here and we'll be glad to help!

bulletin, crossrecs

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