Poll and discussion....

Oct 09, 2011 20:57

Hey guys,

The crew at spn_littlebro have been discussing the possibility of opening a plot bunny / inspiration theme. Somewhere writers and artists can come to get ideas if they are needing them. Members will be able to leave prompts in the hope that someone will be inspired and fill it.

The thing is... would such a theme be useful? Would you use it? We are keen to do something different to other meme style prompt posts because there's no point doubling up on stuff that already exists.

Essentially, it would be a library of prompts. No deadlines, no fill requirements etc. Anyone can come along and post a bunny when they have one. So we are asking the question:

Poll Library of prompts?

If you have any ideas that would make such a thing useful, different etc. we'd love to hear it.

!mod post

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