Fic: Everything's Not Lost

Jun 06, 2012 03:38

Title: Everything's Not Lost
Author: songstone_24
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Characters: Jimmy Novak, Castiel, some mentions of Dean and Sam as well as Amelia and Claire. One-sided Destiel if you squint.
Warnings: AU set after 7x01, mentions of Leviathans and soul-torture.
Word Count: 2,669
Summary: The words came back at him then. The last words he heard from Castiel before the souls of Purgatory had drowned out everything else. "I am your new God." Followed up by a much softer; "And you are being rewarded for your faithfulness."
Authors Note: Title taken from a Coldplay song of the same name. Written as the intro to a role play between princess_aleera and myself. Yes, this was only my part. Yes, I do get wordy. So glad that she seems okay with that, though! And while this is only one part of what I've written for the role play, I must note that she plays a wonderful Sam and Dean, and a hysterical and chilling Hallucifer. You're awesome, hun! <3

Everyone can relate to the frustrating feeling of being ignored, or overlooked. No one likes being forgotten. Jimmy Novak certainly wasn't an exception.

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