Title: What if I need you when I can't see you?
songstone_24Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: Sam Winchester/Jimmy Novak. Mentions of Dean and Castiel.
Warnings: Rough sex, dirty talk, slightly AU-ish.
Word Count: 14,060
Summary: Jimmy Novak strikes a deal with Castiel. If he gets to take the wheel long enough to enjoy sex again, then he'll give Castiel permission to use his body to lie with Dean. However, it is Jimmy's choice in bed partners that surprises everyone.
Authors Note: Cut up into three parts because of the length. Written for fun, this started off as PWP based off of a role play my sister and I started. However, I quickly realized that this story had plans of it's own and wanted to make something of itself...it became a monster. A lovely, horny, very detailed, monster. Title taken from a verse in Meg & Dia's 'Nineteen Stars'.
Here's the link if you care to read :) Also, this is my first time posting to this (read: any) community. I hope that this is all right. Nice to meet you all! :)