Jimmy Big Bang needs cheerleaders and betas

Dec 20, 2011 12:57

Summaries are coming in, and there are a few writers so far who need some help getting their word count up to the 10k minimum, or are stalled on fics and need someone to bounce ideas off. If you have some free time and you like talking about Novaks, please consider signing up as a cheerleader/alpha/enabler for the bang.

Or you could be a beta! That would be great, because we need some more of those as well. Fics are a minimum of 10k, so they're not crazy long. And the summaries that have come in so far look amazing. And I will be your friend forever?

Posting starts on February 14th so if you have a few free hours between now and then, and you could do with some Novaks in your inbox, please consider offering yourself up as a cheerleader or a beta.

Sign up post for cheerleaders, betas, and pinch-hitter artists is HERE.


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