Angst_Bingo entries

Aug 02, 2011 13:31

This year I participated in Angst_Bingo, and two stories wound up being mostly about Jimmy.  I thought I'd share them with you guys.

Title: I Am Sure

Summary: He's never fought Amelia like this before. [For the Angst_Bingo prompt 'Arguments/Fighting'.]

Pairings: Jimmy/Amelia, Cas/Dean

Rating: 16+

The walls are paper-thin.

Title: The Morning After The Apocalypse Before

Summary: Sometimes he feels guilty, but mostly he's just lonely. [For the Angst_Bingo prompt 'Post-apocalypse'.]

Pairings: Cas/Dean, Jimmy/Amelia

Rating: 16+

Apocalypses tend to be very bad for personal relationships.

type: fic, pairing: dean/castiel, slash, pairing: jimmy/amelia, het

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